Author has written 7 stories for Vocaloid, and Hetalia - Axis Powers. So I have returned from my unannounced, unprepared, and unintentional hiatus. And I apologize to whomever has missed my updates uvu' So I have vowed to pick shit up and get things updated and written. It will be done. uvu I have come back a new person past all the shit and I am ready to write. I welcome inspiration! FictionPress: gettin it up soon I ship a lot. Like, a lot. My current fandom obsession is Homestuck. And yes, I am Homestuck trash. For now I want to slowly get back into writing, and maybe eventually do requests and whatnot.. I have an anxious feeling about fucking up character interpretations. (The only form of writing I've been doing all summer was in the form of rping and badly typed skype messages). So, I'll get cracking. Because as a procrastinator it is my sworn duty to indulge in pleasure over education first uvu Because again, I am not just Homestuck trash- in general I'm trash uvu'' Au revior kitties uvu --Luna |
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