![]() Author has written 19 stories for Harry Potter, My Little Pony, Doctor Who, Gravity Falls, Hetalia - Axis Powers, Fallout, Hamilton, and Steven Universe. Names: Josephine Prain (author name), Author Adventures(pony name), and H* F*(real name... it sucks so I'm not gonna tell you) WARNING! EXTREMELY VOLATILE SUBSTANCE! PROCEED WITH CAUTION -insane! :D -cuttlefish obsessed -video game obsessed -Pokemon obsessed -obsessive -insane! :D -repetitive -fun! -single ;) (and bi...) -official brony! (much to her discontent [it was IMPOSSIBLE TO RESIST!]) - and high in sodium! (ie. do not wet ;) ) AGAIN! PROCEED WITH CAUTION! CUTTLEFISHCUTTLEFISHCUTTLEFISH! Dear readers, I would like to take a moment of your time to discuss some very important people. Haters. Many of us here on FF.N receive hate messages on a day to day basis. sometimes the haters' messages can be very hurtful and difficult to come back from. Other times it is so funny how lame the hate is that you just laugh until you're crying and your stomach hurts. But there is something very important about this issue all around that I feel needs to be addressed. That issue is the need to report any and all hate. It doesn't matter if the hate is funny or hurtful, it has to be reported. Ifits not the haters are free to continue spreading their hate without fear of punishment. So today I implore you, report haters you have been receiving mail from, unless you're lucky and you haven't received any hate at all (congratulations, by the way, ;D ), and end the vicious cycle of pessimism. Let us all love and tolerate the shite out of them! -TheTransfiguredCanary Mar, 4, 2019 hey everybody! have you been enjoying all the updates? well, don't worry cause there's more where that came from! also, I have a big announcement for the many many fans of ULAK: something big is coming. ;) that's all I can say for now o(*ω*)o don't forget to keep on reading! :D -TheTransfiguredCanary |