Author has written 17 stories for iCarly, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Portal, Half-Life, BioShock, Borderlands, and Evangelion. Former middle-through-high school writer of iCarly fanfiction, now a college student who finds it difficult to regularly update his BioShock and Portal fanfics. Also a musical theater geek, actor, singer, writer, puppeteer, terrible dancer, infrequent cosplayer, and Asian. I know a rudimentary amount of Korean. I am of the opinion that the aspiring writers should use fanfiction as practice: taking a group of set characters and putting them in a new situation. How would they react? UPDATE, October 3, 2018: If you're reading this, then congratulations! You're the first to know...that I'm still not done with Shades of Glamor. Been caught up in a lot of real-world stuff, including writing and directing for theater, but rest-assured, Detective DeWitt's adventures are not over! No matter how much she'd prefer it... |