Author has written 15 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, Legend of Zelda, and Final Fantasy VIII.
Hello everyone. This is Eoko! Some of my stuff probably still has notes as Hicky. That's a long retired username (like 11/12 years O.o) so don't get too confused if you see it, or don't see it anymore.
Age: 27
Country of Origin: Canada, and damn proud
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bisexual
AIM: Booya Blond
Likes: Yaoi, Anime, Video Games, Asians, Cowboys, Accents
Video Games Being Played: Pokemon, Harvest Moon, FF8, Zelda, FFXI, Pony Island
Favorite Video Games: FF8 for the Yaoiness, FFXI for the Everythingness, FFX-2 for the Outfitness and GIPPAL!, FFXII!!
Most Loathed Video Games: ICO, Arc the Lad: End of Darkness, Final Fantasy XIII
Favorite Music Genre: New Country
Most Loathed Music Genre: Screamo
Favorite Movie: Brokeback Mountain
Most Loathed Movie: House of Wax
Favorite Movie Genre: Comedy, Horror, Gay-Romance-Angst/whatever Brokeback is.
Most Loathed Movie Genre: Gorrors - Gore Horrors
Favorite Men: Ones that look like my favorite video game characters - Andrew (KittyMeowMaxwell's brother)- HE IS SEIFER INCARNATE!... -coughs-
Favorite Video Game Pairings: Seifer/Zell, Zell/Irvine, Seifer/Irvine, Seifer/Zell/Irvine, Gippal/Baralai, Gippal/Zell, Seifer/Zell/Gippal (I know Gippal/Zell doesn't exist. I'm gonna write one), Raijin/Fuujin, Xu/Quistis, Nida/Squall, Laguna/Kiros, Paine/Rikku, Auron/Tidus, Jecht/Auron/Braska, Braska/Auron, Auron/Jecht, Darc/Kharg (Arc the Lad: TotS)
Most Loathed Video Game Pairings: Squall/Rinoa, Zell/Squall, Squall/Irvine, Seifer/Squall- anyone/Squall/anyone, Zell/Selphie(Do you want the world to explode?), Zell/Quistis (Do you want THEM to explode?), Zell/Rinoa (Do you want to be attacked my SUPER _POWERED CHIBIFIED HEARTS every five seconds?), Irvine/Rinoa (Just... shudders), Seifer/Rinoa (He's been there, he's not that desperate... again), Selphie/Rinoa or Quistis/Rinoa (Ri-NO-a), Gippal/Rikku (It's like Zell/Selphie...), Anyone/Yuna (SHE's like Rinoa)
Finished Fanfiction:
YuGiOh: Life of the Cards(Yu-Gi-Oh)
Revenge Against All Odds(Yu-Gi-Oh)
Rewriten Songs: YuGiOh Style!(Yu-Gi-Oh) (Unless something else really hits me)
Twas a Yaoi Night Before Christmas(Final Fantasy VIII)
Underneath the Mistletoe(Final Fantasy VIII)
Don't Speak(By Yams) (Yu-Gi-Oh)
Fics on Hold:
YuGiOh: Life of the Cards II(Yu-Gi-Oh)
First Life(Yu-Gi-Oh AU)
Zelda's Story(Legend of Zelda: OoT) (-_- Windwaker's making me want to write this again, but I'm too busy)
Fanfictions in the works:
Ray of Hope Orphanage(Final Fantasy VIII)
Gaia Calls the Farplane(Final Fantasy VIII/ X-2 Crossover)
Lightning(Final Fantasy VIII) A Collaboration with KittyMeowMaxwell
S'all Bout the Fighter (Final Fantasy VIII) Not Posted
Eoko's Pokemon Adventure (Final Fantasy VIII / Pokemon) (I swear it's more FF8 focused once it reaches the Daycare...) Not Posted
Favorite Fics Written by/in part by Me: Lightning and S'all Bout the Fighter
Favorite Authors: KittyMeowMaxwell, Esse, Keey, Scarlet, and many other FF8 writers.
Fics I Really Want Updated/Constantly: Saisei, Redeemer, Body Switch,Succession of Witches,Things in the Night(I have like a total of about 5 hours of break on Tuesday and 4 hours on Thursday between classes... so I need fictions -_- Even if Body Switch and SoW haven't been updated for like, years, I can dream.)