black angelon
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Joined 09-09-10, id: 2532478, Profile Updated: 02-29-12
Author has written 1 story for D.Gray-Man.

About me? Uhm...I looove D. Gray Man, the Percy Jackson series, and a whole lot of other books and mangas. But I am too lazy to type them all...:D

Age: (Like I'd tell you...:)) Fine...I'm thirteen. (Which means I still study. And that means a helluva hard time trying to update.:D)

Gender: I guess it's safe to say that I'm a girl. (That's such a long answer to a one-word question)

Hobbies: Well, like the usual people from fanfiction, I love writing. And reading. And drawing. And practically trying new stuff every day.


I'm just starting out guys, so reviews on how to make my story better is greatly appreciated. Anyone is also free to leave a private message. Hello to Filipinos out there! You guys may also leave messages. :D

To all people who know Percy Jackson, My friend (Little Strawberry RiRin Chan) wrote one story for it entitled "Blessed By the Gods". Please check it out, and I'm sure you'll like it. :D Also, review on her'll make her day, I'm sure.

Random Quotes I just felt like putting in here:

"Sorrow IS a part of life. It only differs on how people choose to deal with it, or even notice it at all."

"Writing. It's a different form of art. It's not like painting or drawing, or sketching, where you grab ideas from things in this world. With writing, you make your OWN world, and do your best to make it feel so real."

"In painting, sketching, and drawing, you use colors to make them beautiful. In stories, you use words to make them attractive."

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Dark And Light reviews
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