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Joined 09-05-10, id: 2526614, Profile Updated: 10-20-12

[NEW] update 10.20.12

So, I've obviously just poofed off the face of the universe for a century and a half. A lot of personal stuff has happened, and long-story-short: fanfiction has been extraordinarily low on the Priority-List. I haven't even been here surfing other authors' wonderful fics or anything. I've been out of the whole fanfiction realm all together for awhile now...

I returned to check on things and to finally check my FF.Net-specific email account and saw the over-9000 neglected messages of love and ... longing? (lol) Damn guys! I don't even think I can respond to them all. I feel like a humongous b!* for not seeing this stuff earlier. Seriously, all of you, visitors and long-time fans alike, are too good to me. =/


--However, I also saw an EXPLOSION of policy posts and some sort of massive writers-vs-admin war against the "No-MA Stories" thing. I of course agree that purging all "Adult" stories is f*ing ridiculous beyond comprehension, but I'm not going to get caught up in this.

So ... I removed all my stories (though they are all backed up, no worries). I don't want drama, and I don't want to support a site that is against dirty, smutty goodness. I have 2 of the first fics I did up at Aarinfantasy somewhere, and miiight upload the rest there, or try to get an account at AO3 or something.

I .. I don't know. I do know I'll be out of the fanfiction thing for, at the very least, several more months while I try to get steadied with everything.

If you guys have any questions/comments/general ... chat ..ness? (I don't even know what that means) feel free to contact me; I'll actually, y'know, check my damned messages.

Love and luck (and lube?) for everyone!
