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Joined 08-20-10, id: 2505137, Profile Updated: 02-26-11
Author has written 4 stories for Persona Series, and Disgaea.

Fan of the 'Disgaea' series. And recently the 'Tales of' series and 'Persona' series. I also like 'Sonic' games and 'Ar Tonelico' and most of all 'Final Fantasy'.

First game played: Sonic the hedgehog 3 and Knuckles.

First RPG game played: Final Fantasy VIII (My favorite of all final fantasy.)

Hobbies: Playing video game, reading, sleeping. You know the usual.

Favorite pairings and why:

Disgaea: Laharl X Flonne (Why? If the good, normal, bad 1 and bad 2 endings are anything to go about...)

Disgaea 2: Adell X Rozalin (Why? Gee. Maybe if one plays the game and get the normal ending.) Adell X every other girl he meets excluding flonne, Asagi and his mom (Why? My impression on Adell after getting Yukimaru and getting Senator Venus to like you. Dude is a walking babe magne- I mean FREAK magnet. And yes, the pairing includes Marjorly, Priere, Hanako, Etna and every other generic character.)

Ar Tonelico: Lyner X Aurica (Why? For some reason, this pairing seems canonical to me. Then again, Aurica's silloulete was on the title screen so...)

Mana Khemia: Vayne X Pamela (Why? Try finding Pamela in the sequel of the game. I dare you. But to be honest, Jessica and Anna were good too. I just find this fitting.)

Persona 3: Arisato Minato X Takeba Yukari (Why? In my opinion, this is a canon pairing. Not to mention that the game shows Yukari's interest in Minato more than in your standard RPG, BEFORE you start her social link. And don't get me started on the manga. Either the author must also be a fan of this pairing, or Atlus is trying to tell us something.)

Persona 4: Seta Souji X Kujikawa Rise (Why? To be honest, I don't really know. For some reason, they just look good together.)

Tales of the Abyss: Luke X Tear (Why? Can't elaborate much, they just look good. But I still can't shake off the the fact that Luke is only 7 while Tear is 16. Or the fact that Tear is only 16 for that matter. Especially when you compare her to Natalia who is 18.)

Tales of Symphonia (Dawn of the new world): Lloyd X Collet (Why? Well... in both games, they have a 'I love you' scene. That and I really can't imagine them with anyone else.) Emil X Marta (Why? Because they look cute together, that's why.)

Final Fantasy VIII: Squall X Rinoa (Why? The first game couple I met. They left me a VERY strong impression.)

Like many people, I have characters I like and dislike. And they will be listed in the following.

Like and why:

Disgaea: Laharl (Why? He blew up an entire space armada by himself. While using only a small portion of his power. 'Nuff said) Flonne (Let's be honest. Hating the Love freak is harder than fighting DLC Baal in the Land of Carnage solo while being level 1.) Plenair (Why? Because she's cute. And most definitely not because her fanbase are threatending me.

Disgaea 2: Adell (Why? As mentioned above in the pairings section, he gives me the impression that any girl he meets will fall for him just by talking to him. I mean, *Spoilers* a level 1200 overlord incarnate with her past memories now intact could barely avoid it. And she still fails in the end. Makes one think that it's his innate ability.) Rozalin/Dark Rozalin(*spoilers* Zenon) (Why? She's the god of all overlords incarnate. She blasted Laharl to submission. And can blast weaker overlords out of existence. And she loves Adell. Is that enough reasons?)

Soul Nomad and the World Eaters: Gig (Why? Because he's the baddest of the bad. The maddest of the mad. The killer of Kings and destroyer of worlds. The one the only, INDESTRUCTIBLE GIG!!!!!!! Crazy powerful too. He grants the player 2000 levels despite having most of his powers sealed by *Spoilers* Danette's father as a Crimson Tear. Also, he is voiced by Yuri Lowenthal. Awesome voice acting is awesome.)

Makai Kingdom: Zetta (Why? Title: Badass Overlord. End of discussion) Asagi (Why? Because she needs a hug. Poor girl.)

Sonic series: Sonic (Why? He's the first game character I know. Obviously he'll have a strong impression on me.) Shadow (Why? He's Shadow the hedgehog, the final will of Maria Robotnik. With those Chaos Emeralds, he'll ensure peace for the planet she loves. THIS is who he is.) Knuckles (Why? Everyone love this Knuckle head.)

Ar Tonelico: Aurica (Why? Don't know why. I just like her. Must be her horrible naming sense. For some reason, I can't deny changing the names to the ones she made. Weird.) Lyner (Why? Your typical hero... that's it.)

Atelier Iris Series: Iris (Why? Despite being the games' title character. She only appears as a playable for one game. The last one in fact, with no connection to the first two games. At least she has a pattern. She appears as an adult in the first game. A loli in the second. And a teenager in the third. What do they all have in common? Great Alchemy skills.) Lita (Why? Her outfit and weapons look cool. Plus, she sprouts cool looking wings that powers her up when her mana is low.) Edge (Why? He acts cold when you first meet him. But when you become his friend, you find out that it's not because he's cold. Just quiet.)

Mana Khemia: Anna (Why? Katanas are awesome. She can also cut through time and space thanks to her mana. And she's actually pretty clumsy. Make what you will of it.) Flay (Why? He's badass. That's why.) Pamela (Why? Who doesn't like that ghost girl? Don't like her english VA though.)

Persona 3: Minato Arisato (Why? *Spoilers* Near the end of the game, he clings onto life just so that he can honor his promise to his friends. Despite the fact that he's sealing Nyx. How can you not like him after knowing this?) Takeba Yukari (Why? I find it hard to like Minato without liking Yukari. But that's just me.) Kirijo Mitsuru (Why? EXECUTION. That is all) Aragaki Shinjirou (Why? Let's see. *Spoiler* He managed stay alive despite being shot by TWO high caliber revolver rounds. Yes he dies, but his soul came back just to cheer Minato on in his battle against Nyx. And in P3P when playing as Hamuko(female protagonist), he survives from his injuries thanks to a pocket watch. He should have died, but he only goes into a coma. Dude is BADASS.) Aegis/Aigis (Why? She is who she is. Can't explain. I just do.)

Final Fantasy: Squall (Why? First Final Fantasy character I know. So... whatever.) Cloud (Why? Why not?) Jetch (Why? Try climbing a mountain half naked with no shoes on. He does it without even feeling a thing.)

Tales of Series: Barbatos Goetia (Why? AITEM NAZO TSUKATTEN JA NNNEEEEEE!!!!) Dhaos (Why? He has awesome moves. He is actually a pretty nice guy too. But the best part is when you use indignation on him. BEST WEAKNESS EVER!) Judas (Why? He has a cool outfit.) Presea (Why? Let's see... Cute little girl? Check. Seem like an empty shell? Check. Super strong? Check. Full of moe? Check. Oh god, she's turning me into a lolicon otaku!)

Dislike and why:

Disgaea: Valcanus (Why? Because he is an asshole. His discrimination against demons and humans is enough to piss anyone off. He thinks he is a good guy despite using underhanded tactics that demons normally use. And more importantly, he tried to kill Flonne. That racist bastard should burn is hell than being turned into a flower.

Disgaea 2: Fake Zenon (Why? He almost wiped out snow melody, he took away the concise of the humans and enslave Adell's parents. Just so he can exact his revenge on someone who doesn't even remember doing what she did. The only good thing about him is that he is voiced by Norio Wakamoto in JP version.)

Soul Nomad and the World Eaters: Gamma, Joules and Drazil (Why? They turned Haphenes into the crapsack world it is now. Took most of its souls and turned them into Drazilians. Turned the citizens of their world into something like a zombie. And tricked Median into killing Vigilance. Of course, if the last bit wasn't done, we wouldn't get the jerkass we all know and love.)

Kingdom Hearts: Marluxia (Why? The dude's gay and you know it. Got nothing against people like that, but he really irks me for some reason. Like his scythe though.)

Persona 3: Takakya (Why? He killed Shinjirou, sent Chidori to her death, made SEES' life hell, made people wished for world destruction and tries to stop you from preventing it. All because his life was hell, he thinks everyone wanting to die was the only way to be happy. Jerk.) Ikutsuki (Why? He tricked SEES into bringing the end of the world, reprogrammed Aegis/Aigis to go against you and killed Mitsuru's father. Oh and he makes bad puns. Need anymore reason to hate him?)

Persona 4: Kubo Mitsuo (Why? The guy is the very definition of a loser. Hell, even geeks, nerds, otakus, neets and shut-ins are better than this guy. I mean sure, King Moron was a the definition of a jerk. But he kill him just to get attention. Not to mention taking credit for the first two murders he didn't even commit. Talk about sad and pathetic.) Adachi Tohru (Why? Listen to his stupid speech and you'll see why. He does get better though.)

Final Fantasy: Seymour (Why? The dude annoys me to no end. Just looking at him pisses me off. But at least he's better than this next person I'm about to mention.)

Dragon Quest VIII: Prince Charmles(Charmless) (Why? A major brat. More so than Laharl. He bullies everyone who is not rich or a noble, he makes all the effort you put in to help him pass his initiation go to waste, takes credit for everything you did for him and treats animals badly. The list goes on. The brat makes the ending all the more sweeter.)

Original Characters (OC):

Trenia Arcana

Gender: Female

Age: 8 (At first) 19 (After learning how to fight)

Title: Weak Child (At first) Gardener (After learning how to fight)

Class: Magic Knight

Race: Demon

Appearance: Same appearance as a Magic Knight. Except that she has slightly longer hair and ties it up in a ponytail.

Weapon of choice: Swords

Personality: Weak-will, sickly and easily frightened (At first) Strong-willed, serious and devoted though tends to try too hard. (After learning how to fight)

Bio: A young demon girl who Laharl picks up on one of his travels. Her village was destroyed at the height of an Overlord 'Rite of ascension'. And would've being killed if it weren't for Laharl rescuing her. Wanting to thank him for saving her, Trenia became a Magic Knight to aid Laharl in his travels. Though it has become a problem as of late due to the fact that she has gain what Laharl calls a 'sexy body'. Regardless, Laharl place a high level of trust in her and made her the caretaker of the currently cursed Flonne when he is busy. She is Laharl's first-in-command and will only listen to his orders. She is currently researching a way to break Flonne's curse.


1st: Dimension Slash

2nd: ?

3rd: Death God's Joy: Produces a series of slashes on the enemy before conjuring wings of mana. She then fires multiple bolts of mana at them before slicing and dicing the enemy. The finishing blow occurs as she turns her sword into a scythe and take the enemy's life like a death god.

Chant: Come forth mine enemy from within! Allow me to embrace thee and unlock our true potential! Unleash that which has been contained! It ends... Death God's Joy!!


Gender: Male

Age: 19

Title: Bodyguard

Class: Magic Knight/Paladin

Race: Human

Appearance: Similar to the Paladin image from Tales of the world: Radiant Mythology 2. With the exception that he doesn't wear the arm gauntlet.

Weapon of choice: Katana. But dual-wields a dagger when being serious.

Personality: Carefree. Likes helping others. But he likes fighting even more!

Bio: A human who was teased, bullied and hated for having red eyes. Due to the intense fear of demons in his world, even his parents hate him. One day, he met the demon alchemist Trisha and was save by her words. This led him to move in with her in the netherworld. He is currently traveling with Trisha. Till this day, he remembers her words: "Reds eyes are the mark of the strong while Blue eyes are the mark of the wise." He is very strong and could easily take over the entire multiverse. His mask is actually a power limiter.


1st skill: ?

2nd skill: ?

3rd skill: Ragnarok: As he slashes his enemies, the katana and dagger he wields turns into a flaming sword and spear respectively. When he delivers the final blow, his mask breaks, revealing his face. He then throws the spear at the enemy and lunge through with his sword.

Chant: Oh sisters of fate, show the wisdom worthy of the name of Norn! With the all father's never missing spear and the lord of mischief's destructive sword... severe my enemy's fate! RAGNAROK!!! Your path to victory has been cut.

Trisha Blanchimont

Gender: Female

Age: 817

Title: Alchemist

Race: Demon

Class: Mage/Alchemist

Appearance: Same appearance as a Red Mage.

Weapon of choice: Staff.

Bio: An alchemist who saved Reno. Like all alchemist, she is searching for a way to create the philosopher's stone. This is so she could create the Immortal Elixer to grant Reno immortality and be with her forever. She is the who gave Reno his name and his mask.

Takeharu Fubuki

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Title: Noble Vampire

Class: Fighter

Race: Human/Vampire

Appearance: Wears a white formal suit (The tie type). Has his vampire wings sprouting out of his back. Has short black hair and cat-slit yellow eyes.

Weapon of choice: Hand-to-hand combat. Swords.

Personality: Calm and collected. Very perceptive. Likes joking around sometimes.

Bio: A human who used to be bullied by his classmates. One day, he was almost beaten to death by the bullies. During that time, he met a dying Elizabeth. Despite being on the verge of death himself, he decided to help her by carrying her straight to the hospital. When they arrived, Fubuki collapsed in front of the building. Touched by his selflessness, Elizabeth gave him some of her blood as gratitude and turned him into a pure-blooded vampire. Afterwards, he and Elizabeth moved out to the netherworld Desdain as vampires don't originally exist in Fubuki's home world. Even though he became stronger than the people in his home world, Fubuki has never taken revenge on those that bullied him. He prefers to take blood from girls whenever he needs to feed, but he never takes enough of their blood to turn them into dhampirs or his servants.

Elizabeth Hellsing

Gender: Female

Age: ???

Title: Noble Vampire

Class: Fighter

Race: Vampire

Appearance: Wears a red long open one-piece dress. Has long blonde hair and cat-slit yellow eyes.

Weapon of choice: Hand-to-hand combat. Swords.

Personality: Clam and collected. Flirtatious. Likes to tease people.

Bio: A pure-blooded vampire who was saved by Fubuki. She was almost killed by vampire hunters in her home world and would've being killed if she didn't use the last of strength to teleport out of her predicament. By chance, she got transport to a world where vampires do not exist. There, she was found by a dying Fubuki, who used the last of his strength to send her to a hospital. After arriving at the hospital, Fubuki finally collapsed and died right in front of the building. Touched by Fubuki's kindness, Elizabeth gave him some of her blood and turned Fubuki into a pure-blooded vampire. Though, not before taking some blood from the people in the hospital. (They didn't die, just turned into vampire servants.) She thinks very highly of Fubuki and feels that every decision he makes are always correct. She prefers to take blood from cute boys and girls when she needs to feed. And at the plead of Fubuki, she never takes enough of their blood to turn them into dhampirs or servants. Though, she will when the situation calls it.


Gender: Male

Age: 19

Title: Sinless Traveler

Class: Swordsman

Race: Human

Appearance: Wears a blue knee-length two-tailed coat with black shirt inside. He also wears blue pants. Has brown hair and brown eyes.

Weapon of choice: Katanas.

Personality: Cold. Serious. Anti-social.

Bio: A traveler who seems to be looking for something. He carries a flower that looks a lot like the one Laharl carries...


1st skill: Unknown Symphony: Summons a glyph from below and a beam of light engulfs the area, hurting the enemy while healing allies.

Chant: No path is certain... Unknown Symphony!

2nd skill: Concerto Requiem: Lunges through the enemy multiple times, causing beams of light to stick on them. He then thrusts his sword on the ground and a pillar of light engulfs the enemy.

Chant: Protect those you care... Or forever live in isolation... Concerto Requiem!!

3rd skill: Forgotten Blessings: Attacks the enemy with a series of kicks before unsheathing his sword to deliver another series of slashes. He then delivers the final blow by slicing through the enemy. He finally sheathes his sword, causing a series of delayed slashes to begin.

Chant: Come forth Hell's Orchestre... Play the never-ending lullaby while rocking death's cradle... Grant it the eternal slumber with no wake... sweet sorrow... Forgotten Blessings... Life... is meaningless, without anything to protect...

Iriya Kanan

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Title: Zombie Hunter

Class: Swordsman

Race: Death God

Appearance: Wears a white blouse with a scythe emblem on it together with a red and black checkered mini-skirt. Has long white hair that she ties up into a ponytail at the side.

Weapon of choice: Katanas.

Personality: Kind-hearted, cheerful and out-going.

Bio: A Death God in charge of hunting Zombies. She seems to be looking for someone...


Gender: Male

Age: ??? Looks like he is 21

Title: Traveler

Class: Free

Race: Human

Appearance: Wears a uniform similar to the Turks from Final Fantasy VII. Has short black hair.

Weapon of choice: Whatever fits the situation.

Personality: Calm and collected, kind-hearted and carefree. Getting him angry is harder than killing someone who can't die.

Bio: Wish's foster father. He works in the castle but tends to travel out of the netherworld to help Laharl find a cure for Flonne. He loves to travel thus making this job suitable for him.


Gender: Female

Age: ??? Looks like she is 14

Title: Traveler

Class: Free

Race: Human

Appearance: Wears a uniform similar to the Turks from Final Fantasy VII but switches the pants for a mini-skirt. Has short red hair.

Weapon of choice: Knives and daggers. Though she will change them depending on the situation.

Personality: Carefree, cheery and insane. Don't piss her off too much. Just don't

Bio: Wander's foster daughter. She loves her father and place him as top priority. She hates people who use force to make people submit when they can use other methods and tend to kill them for it. Her favourite food are octopi and squids.

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

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rumiberri (19)