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Joined 08-17-10, id: 2500629, Profile Updated: 08-19-10
Author has written 1 story for Glee.

Hello everyone!

I've been a long time lurker here and I thought I should probably create an account so I could leave signed reviews, instead of the anonymous kind :-) Haha, seriously though! I love Glee. I love Slash. I love Puck. I love Kurt. I love Puckurt. I also enjoy reading Glee fan fiction, of the slashy variety, if you hadn't caught that. I thought I'd try my hand at this because I was inspired by so many stories posted in this genre and I believe we can never have too much Pummel or Puckurt goodness :-)

I also think all the Puck/Kurt fans out there should band together and create a twitter page. I'm planning to set one up, soon-ish and I'd love anyone who enjoys a good Puckurt fic to join and raise our voices together. In the Glee Cast Q&A on Oprah, Ryan Murphy mentioned that he does read what people are looking for in pairings. So if we could convince him of this pairing, this might possibly work. What do you think guys? Puckurts Unite!

Any comments/suggestions about this idea is welcome. I'd really like to be part of this community and interact more with other Gleeks because sadly, none of my friends are as into Glee as I am. I know what you're thinking, BLASPHEMY! But, they're friends that have been around for a long time so I can't exactly get rid of them for their bad taste. Le sigh. Tehehe :-)

So stick around, review, comment, rant, or just lurk -- yes, you, the lurker, I know who you are, because I was you not too long ago :D -- and hopefully enjoy the ride!

Peace and Love to All.

~GleekIsChique aka Laval~

If I Had You reviews
Set partially during Theatricality, but a little bit AU. Kurt realizes that his dad's happiness is more important to him than his pride and decides to find a way to make Finn and Carole part of their family again. To do that, he needs Puck's help. Slash.
Glee - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 2 - Words: 9,011 - Reviews: 13 - Favs: 29 - Follows: 71 - Updated: 8/26/2010 - Published: 8/19/2010 - Kurt H., Puck