Author has written 2 stories for Sailor Moon, and Harry Potter. Hm...another school year, another penname. This one, I expect, I will not be changing. More later. Status of Fanfics (Current and Upcoming): “Fall and Consequences” (Complete) This fic is complete, in its one-shot form. A sequel is in the works. I mean it to be part of a trilogy. “Ooops!” (Complete) This fic is complete. It has been edited for spelling, grammar, and continuity errors. A sequel is possible but not likely. “The Secret of Godric’s Hollow” (WIP—currently down, will be up after “Ooops!” is completed). Originally a rewrite of an earlier fic, called “For Everything There is a Reason”, this fic has been put on hold until I finish “Ooops!” and read book six. I have taken it down. Sorry to all those of you who were enjoying it. “Truth and Consequences” (WIP—currently down) is a rewrite of “Liber Arcanus Nanquam Excido” and will not be up until I have completed a good portion of it…think sometime next year. (upcoming WIP), also known as that Christmas ficlet I mentioned a while ago, should be up in time for Christmas of 2005. I’ll probably start around Thanksgiving and put up the last chapter around Christmas. (D/G fic) Updates: Jane |
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