Author has written 8 stories for Outsiders. I was previously ILuvJohhnyCade, but I became so embarassed that was my pen name I finally changed it to Cloudy Revelation. It made me sound like a five year old fangirl, rather than a mature thirteen-year-old. If you detest the new name, PM me. Any of you that are on my profile looking for "Beautiful Silence"; sorry, amigo, but I've taken that story down. It was a complete Sue story, and I'm not going to ruin my reputation as a writer on here by leaving that piece of incomplete crap on my profile. I'm a thirteen-year-old girl. I love "The Outsiders", "Harry Potter", and "Gone With the Wind." I love to read. I'm really not all that talented of a writer (I don't think) but I really enjoy it, so I finally got up the courage to post something on here after an eternity of reading fanfics. There is only one story in the world that I hate. Fangirls, don't maul me, but Twilight annoys me. A lot. For all you fellow haters out there, I recomend the stories "Insert Fail Symbolism Here", "Taylor Lautner Shirtless", and the very best one EVER, which I kind of forgot the title of by North American Scum. MY LIST OF THINGS THAT ARE WRONG WITH TWILIGHT: Bella. Everything is wrong with Bella. She has no flaws. She looks remarkably like her author. Her only "flaw" is her oh-so-endearing klutziness. She cannot live without Edward (Thanks, Stephanie Meyer. Now our whole generation believes that when a guy dumps them, they should throw themselves off a cliff.) Her attempts at wittiness make me want to shoot myself in the face. Edward. Let's face it; what isn't wrong with Edward? He is WAY overprotective. He is a stalker (and this is supposed to be sexy somehow?). He has ungodly self-control. He has ungodly beauty. He has ungodly skills. He sparkles. What a fag. He has a great fashion sense (faggot) and has not had sex in the hundred years he has been alive (fag), despite the fact he has no soul. Carlisle. Really? A doctor? Great self-control? Kind? Fatherly? Hm. Complete Gary-Sue, right there. Alice. Frankly, everyone always was like "Hee hee, I love Alice!" I never could stand her. All she is a giant bubble of happy, and that sickens my angsty soul. Jasper. There's not much to complain about with him, since he has no personality. All he's here for is a plot device, after all. Emmett. The only reason he's in this saga is so that there about two times in the series people might smile and not throw their book across the room. Rosalie. Beautiful, blonde, hated Bella... This is obviously someone that made fun of Stephanie Meyer in high school. That is why she tried to give her the worst life possible, with everyone hating her and her not being able to have the kid she's always dreamed of. Wow, Steph. That was original. Jacob. Oh, poor Stephenie Meyer... She obviously has some sort of issue with body image. Why can't she have an ugly character with a great personality? Did anyone else notice that? She made every one of her characters that we're supposed to like beautiful. Gag. Now every Twilight fangirl is going to have a totally nice and ugly guy ask them out and they'll respond, "ewwwwweyyyy! i would totly lak say yes but u just rnt as butiful as eddie!1! i'm waitin for a smexy guy!!!11" Yes. They really do talk like that. I'm not going to go on to describe the problems with every minor character in the stories, since they just sit around and have no lives until Bella feels the need to have some human interaction (Twice. Out of four books.) But lastly, I have one huge problem with James. Despite the fact that he is so very "I'm just here to be a bad guy I have no motive and I just sit around chasing down random human girls all day" cliche, he's described as with "nondescript features." That annoys the crap out of me, frankly. I thought all vampires were breathtakingly beautiful? I guess that doesn't apply to villains, huh? Jacob's "having an extra chromosome made me a werewolf" theory. I honestly don't know how Meyer messsed that up. I'm thirteen and I know that he would have DOWN SYNDROME, not be a werewolf. Oh my god. It's called eighth grade. Maybe you should try it out. Vampires' "sparkling" thing. I have to say, if I saw a guy glittering in the middle of the street, I wouldn't have been like, "Oh my gosh, a vampire! Look at him sparkle!" I probably would've said, "Haha, check it out, guys! A faggot coming from the strip club. He really overloaded on the body glitter, huh?" And why couldn't they have just put some foundation on and worn long sleeves? Then ta-da, a non-sparkly human. Bella getting pregnant. Okay, how would a man still have sperm in his body if he was a vampire? And how would he get an erection? Hello, that takes blood flow. How many laws of science is Stephenie Meyer going to break in order to create the most gagworthy story I've ever read? Did anyone else notice an awful lot of sexual tension between Alice and Bella? No? Well, I did... When I'm not on fanfiction, I'm a competitive dancer. That takes up about all my time. I'm up at the studio dancing and assistant teaching about twelve to thirteen hours a week. I really love it, and I hate the misconceptions some people have about dance. Dance is scientifically proven to be as hard on the body as some of the toughest sports, like football and soccer. But it is NOT a sport! It's an art!!! I also play piano and sing, but neither of those are very serious. I just can't fit in much around dance, school and homework. I still find time in the wee hours of the morning to write stories and read fanfics, though! Yay! I absolutely LOVE So You Think You Can Dance. I know, I know, a reality TV show? Seriously? Well, yes, seriously. They have some phenomenal and heartfelt dancers on there. From Season Seven, ROBERT ALL THE WAY! With his sixties 'do and his big, black eyes... Well, who's he supposed to remind me of? You Know You're Obsessed With the Out siders When... You laugh every time you drink a soft drink for reasons unknown to people around you. You name your horse (Or any other pet) Ponyboy. You've looked up Robert Frost poems before, just to read Nothing Gold Can Stay from a million different sources. You've read Gone With the Wind, even though it's more than a thousand pages long, for no other reason except because it was mentioned in The Outsiders. If you HAVE read Gone With the Wind, you get randomly excited and squeal at the page where it quotes exactly, "riding into sure death because they were gallant". You've started wearing black leather jackets, old jeans, and white t-shirts a lot more than you usually do. You've researched the 60s for fun, and you have asked questions concerning the 60s to your baffled history teacher. You've tried slicking back your hair with hair gel/grease and squealed happily at the results. You've bleached your hair just because Ponyboy did. You've started caring about your hair a lot more than you did before. You've stopped getting haircuts. You've started using the words, "ain't", "golly", "gee", "dig", and other old slang words proudly, not paying attention to the weird stares you're getting from people around you. You've read the book so many times you could quote entire pages from it. You love your English teacher for getting you to read it. You announce to your stunned parents that your new favourite cartoon character is Mickey Mouse. You want to hit people when your teacher's showing the Outsiders movie, and they don't pay attention to it/laugh at it. You rush up to every random person reading the book, squealing and babbling about how amazing the book is, and how much they're gonna love it so much. You say these thing to COMPLETE STRANGERS too. You suddenly wish you had a southern accent, and you love people who actally do. You've developed a sudden interest in old movies. You do a double take each time someone says the word "Soda" or "Pony". You laugh every time you drink Pepsi (Ponyboy's addiction) or Coke. (Dally/Cherry incident) You write "Stay Gold" as the last line of every letter you write. You've paused the movie at the very beginning when Ponyboy writes in his composition book, and tried to copy his handwriting. You've wondered what it would be like the live as a greaser in the 1960s. You and your best friend spend three hours running around the mall asking random people where you can find some white and black Converse hightops, just because Ponyboy has white ones and Johnny has black. Then you spend all your mom's birthday money buying some. You spend twenty bucks at the bouncy ball machine, trying to get a red one. Then when you do, you walk around your subdivision for hours, bouncing it like Ponyboy does in the beginning of the movie. Copy and paste to your profile if you have done any of the above things! XD I sure had fun writing it... :) Also add to it... Original by EternalBookworm |