Author has written 21 stories for Supernatural, Harry Potter, and Indiana Jones. I stumbled upon this place a couple of years ago, looking for a distraction from the craziness that pulls me in one hundred different directions in real life (hence the avatar). I was really only looking for something new to read. But after a few months of just reading, I realized that many of you had stirred something within me that has for, well, almost as long as some of you have been alive, been dormant. Most of my writing for a long time had been biographical and educational material for work. After reading for a few months, I stuck a very hesitant toe in the fictional waters and never looked back. You can now also find me on live-journal at auntmo9 as well as on Dreamwidth, also as auntmo9. Over there I post a mix of my stories and just general journal enteries. However, real life can be hectic and busy, so I don't post as often as I would like. For my fic, Oh...Christmas Tree?, I can assure, that my own parents really do that to their tree. And if you want to see a picture, you can check it out here. There is a small body of work I have co-written with another author on this site, Kit-cat99. Our combined work can be found under the Pen Name KitMo. Our first story is titled While You Were Sleeping and it is an NCIS/SPN crossover which happens to be a continuation of Kit-cat99's story This Job of Mine as well as my two stories Collateral Blessings/ Immortal Slumber. It contains characters from both shows as well as our own original characters. |
EvilPixey (7) Laura of Maychoria (140) | Maat (18) San Antonio Rose (121) |