Author has written 6 stories for Dragon Ball Z, Yami no Matsuei, and Gundam Wing/AC. Hello! Thanks for coming to visit me!I'm a rabid yaoi fangirl, who's first introduction into anime has been through DBZ, although my horizons have since expanded. I've 11 fanfics to my name, the majority of which cannot be found here on , as they are lemon fresh and must be hosted elsewhere. Those found here are seriously watered down to escape the wrath of the horrid little gnomes who cruise the site with the sole intention of banning writers who accept the fact that adults enjoy reading and writing about activities in which adults actually do engage in real life. ~GASP~ People really DO have sex! Don't tell, it's a secret! 10 of my previously written fics are DBZ, one is Yami no Matsuei. I have been obsessed with Gundam Wing for almost a year, though, so you will most likely only see fics about and reviews for that fandom from me. I am currently co-writing a GW arc, entitled Remember When, with Sparkling Diamond PG-SSM. It can be found at http:///fanfic/view_st.php/55549/ I'm also in the process of starting my first GW fic on my own, it is untitled as of now, but will be a 1x2x1 ~waves the 1x2x1 Forever! flag~ with other pairings as well. The uncensored versions of all of my fics are also at Media Miner, at http:///user_info.php?id=64730 Come visit me at my Live Journal, at http:///users/mad_about_yaoi Thanks for visiting! |
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