BQ Green
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Joined Apr 26, 2010, id: 2341741, Profile Updated: Jul 14, 2020
Author has written 1 story for Harry Potter.

I've enjoyed writing since high school, and in recent years I've began to show others my work. I live in Oregon with my wife and kids and hope someday to make that leap to becoming a full-time author. You can connect with me at or @bqauthor on twitter.

Into the Black, Forever Free by Akoro88 reviews
Mal and the crew make an interesting find while on an illegal salvage. A squad of ODST's gets stuck in a slip stream portal from the Ark while on a mission looking for the Chief. When they drop from slip space, whats waiting will test them to the limit.
Crossover - Halo & Firefly - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 11 - Words: 79,936 - Reviews: 284 - Favs: 398 - Follows: 454 - Updated: Nov 9, 2011 - Published: Aug 27, 2009 - Master Chief/John-117, Mal
When Worlds Collide reviews
When the airspace above Hogwarts is accidentally marked "unrestricted," events are set in motion that will change the wizarding world forever. Eventual romance between Fleur and an OC. Main character for the story is OC. Rated M for violence, sexual themes (later in story) and language. Also a Hermione/OC pairing
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 77 - Words: 291,732 - Reviews: 143 - Favs: 200 - Follows: 284 - Updated: Jul 31, 2020 - Published: Jan 16, 2017 - [Fleur D., OC] Hermione G.