Author has written 8 stories for Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. Still alive. (Just look at when this profile was last updated.) It is unlikely I will be updating anymore; I've moved onto other fandoms. I still love Ace Attorney, but not enough to continue writing. I don't think many people are following me anyway, because I haven't been writing for a while (or people are just very very stingy with reviews, I don't know), so I don't feel too guilty. If I do write, it will only be as oneshots. Or maybe when GS5 comes out. Anyway, if you do PM me or review, I still check the email. Age: Teens. Gender: Female Location: Somewhere in Asia. Asia's pretty big. This account started out as an Ace Attorney account... and continues as an Ace Attorney account. Favorite character(s): 1) Godot (Diego Armando)! He's AWESOME. Best. Character. Ever. With no competition. Godot probably was sentenced to death, because in the end credits of T&T, he was in a picture with the other dead people. Since the way he murdered would have been justifiable self-defense (unless the prosecution claims it was premeditated, which it... sorta was. But still, not enough for a death sentence), he must have plead guilty... or something like that. 2) Klavier Gavin. Some people said he was boring and stuff but I didn't think so... (Or maybe I'm just smitten with the bishie look) 3) and 4) Phoenix (both lawyer and hobo) and Edgeworth, in no particular order. 5) and 6) Valant and Maya, again in no particular order. Favorite shipping(s): Miego(Mia/Diego)! Cool, canon, and cute. What more is there to say? Klema(Klavier/Ema) as well. You know, the standard boy-tease-girl. One-sided, or both "dislike" each other kind of setting. Well, dislike for Ema, and a sort of like-only-as-a-friend for Klavier. Also, Gumshoe and Maggey. I try to ignore the age difference. And the Delites (canon). And I now support Edgeworth/Franziska and Phoenix/Maya. Jake/Lana, and Edgeworth/Lana are alright. Despise yaoi and yuri... and incest, of course (Edgeworth/Franziska doesn't count. They're not related). Hm, what other pairings are there? Oh yeah, I support Apollo/Vera. When I first heard of it, I thought it was pretty random but after playing the game again, I think it's kinda cute. I... don't like Phoenix/Iris. At all. Iris is just way too... Sue-ish? And of course, for all the stories I forgot to put disclaimers up on... DISCLAIMER: I do not own any part, however small, of the Ace Attorney series by Capcom. But can't a girl dream? |