Cheshire Violetta
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Poll: Who should Ryoma end up with for L O V E L Y, N A T U R A L L Y? Vote Now!
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Joined 04-10-10, id: 2322869, Profile Updated: 06-22-10
Author has written 1 story for Prince of Tennis.

Hello~ My name is obviously no Cheshire Violetta, but for personal reasons like not wanting to have a stalker, I made on up heehee.

you can findme: zoning out, staring out a window, sleeping, sighing, listening to music, on the computer, reading manga, watching anime, eating, writing, and etc etc etc~.

Well, my minds completely blank as of right now so I'll stop right... about... now.

(Edit 6/19/2010 10:04 PM)

Hello once again! I'm officially starting my career as a fan fiction writer xD

My new story L O V E L Y, N A T U R A L L Y is about Ryoma reuniting with everyone in Japan after his 3 year leave to America... I don't have much more to say about it since i just finished writing the 1st chapter about 3 minutes ago xD. Wow, I have a neck cramp for an hour straight. ouch ouch ouch TT^TT.

Just to make something clear, I love both shoujou and shounen-ai/yaoi. I'm pretty neutral with yuri.

I take requests but I cant write it in an hour like a chapter for my story, I thought pretty hard about L O V E L Y, N A T U R A L L Y before actually writing it.

Rubric for requests:



Brief Idea on what you want:

How long:

A date you want it done by:(remember i cant always do it exactly on time, my computer crashes a lot TT^TT)

Thank you for those who read this ^^ -Cheshire Violetta

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