Author has written 11 stories for Kingdom Hearts, Dissidia: Final Fantasy, Runaways, Young Avengers, and Fullmetal Alchemist. The "Fly" - "I don't care, it's ART.": Known as "Flypipe". Assistant writer to the man. The main source of ideas to play with, and actively inspiring concepts to explore further. Takes credit for impressing and influencing the old man to cross into new territory. The "Crow" - "Let's not say that in public.": Known as "Zeff". Better known in the Kingdom Hearts section as Zeff N Company. The "real" writer for most of the work presented here. If it's a good piece of writing, it's probably his fault. "And yes, so there be no doubt: we're both dudes. Really. We checked." -Fly Currently Working On: Kingdom Hearts Final Fantasy Dissidia Young Avengers & Runaways "Experimentation is in progress since first coming out on formspring (who even read that? Eh.) For a while, I was trying to pick up a different fandom to work with, if only to get back some variety, some new perspective, and hopefully more ideas to keep things fresh and fun. Assassin's Creed was my first attempt that did not go so well, but Young Avengers and Runaways proves an easier, smoother transition. I'm immensely glad for writers like Mr. Heinberg and Mr. Vaughan, who not only made the 'teen hero' thing work for Marvel, but work enough to get published and get popular." -Zeff "Also, Mr. Caselli may be one of my new favorite artists now. I would kill to draw like him." -Fly |