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![]() Author has written 16 stories for Twilight, and Remember Me. IMPORTANT: For the past few weeks i've been unable to update/edit any of my stories. I emailed FanFiction with an error report and The Island was fixed for me to post the Epilogue, however now ALL my stories aren't working. I've emailed FanFiction numerous times but still, nothing has happened. I'm sorry to everyone who is waiting on updates, i'll get them out as soon as i can. TODAY (28TH FEBURARY 2011) IS MY ONE YEAR FANFICTION BIRTHDAY!! I can't believe it's been a whole year since i started this account and became addicted to this world. I know this seems pointless but i just wanted to take a paragraph to thank EVERYONE who has enjoyed, read, reviewed, favourited, my stories over the past year. I never thought i'd get this far with reviews or even ideas for stories, but you guys were a brilliant inspiration :) Here's to next year when i'll hopefully be writing another paragraph to thank you guys and writing more stories for you guys to enjoy! Thank you! "All of us are lying in the gutter... But some of us are looking at the stars." - Oscar Wilde. UPDATE: All stories are being updated again EXCEPT "Undying Hope" and "My Saviour". I'm sorry to all the readers of those stories but writers block and lack of inspiration for them has halted updates. Once inspiration hits again i'll update asap, so be on the lookout. The stories WILL be finished. FACEBOOK PAGE - This is simply a Facebook for my stories, where pictures for stories and characters can be found, but i will be on it and i will talk to you :D - Facebook Account A few facts about me: My name is Sorcha. I'm Sixteen. I am Irish. I live in Ireland. I love FanFiction and I'm addicted to it. I have read Twilight 34 times, New Moon 23 times, Eclipse 20 times and Breaking Dawn 39 times :) I'm head over heals in love with Twilight, Edward Cullen and Robert Pattinson. I am 1 million percent Team Edward and i hate Jacob. It is my mission in life to meet Robert Pattinson and give him my last Rolo ;) Beta Reader: My exams have now finished and so my beta'ing services are back on. =D I am now accepting Beta requests. Simply PM me. =D I am a Beta to the following authors: Check out their stories!! I hope you enjoy my stories and please review!! Coming Soon!! This is where i will post summmaries of my next projects. Hope i get you interested!! Five Days with HIM... - Good girl Bella Swan and bad boy Edward Cullen hate each other - and that's putting it lightly... When a school field trip comes up and Bella offers to go along as a volunteer, she's horrified to find out that Edward's lastest mishaps have gotten him a first class ticket on the field trip... With her... What will happen when the two are forced to spend time together? Will things change when they return home? How will Bella feel after her 'Five days with HIM...' You Found Me - Edward Cullen has been alone for almost 100 years, but one day he meets Bella and never sets eyes on her again... Until The Cullen's move back to Forks. Edward is in love with Bella. Bella is in love with... Not Edward. Bella has a mate, Bella believes she's in love. But soon enough she starts falling for Edward, and Edward starts uncovering secrets about her supposed mate, is he all he seems? Cover Art for Stories: Outfits: This is the section where I will post links to dresses/outfits from my stories... Hope you like them!! Rose and Alice's Bridesmaid Dress Twilight Doesn't Exist: Emily's outfit - Cullen's House. Edward's outfit - Cullen's House. Emily's Antique Engagement Ring Twilight Can't Exist: Belfast City Hall - Visited by Edward and Emily in Chapter 7 (See third picture) Edward and Emily's Hotel - Europa Hotel Belfast (See First Picture) The Island: My Saviour: Twilight Quiz: Favourite Character? Edward. Favourite Vampire? Edward. Second Favourite Vampire? Joint between Emmett and Alice. Favourite Werewolf? None - i hate them all (no offense). Favourite Book? Breaking Dawn. Least Favourite Book? None - if i had to chose it would be Eclipse because it takes so long for Bella to pick Edward! Haha. Favourite Quote - Twilight? "You are my life now." - Edward. Favourite Quote - New Moon? "You're not asleep and you're not dead. I'm here and I love you. I have always loved you, and I will always love you. I was thinking of you, seeing your face in my mind, every second that i was away. When i told you that i didnt want you , it was the very blackest kind of blasphemy." - Edward. It's long but it makes me fall in love with Edward all over again. Favourite Quote - Eclipse? "Isabella Swan? I promise to love you forever - every single day of forever. Will you marry me?" - Edward. Favourite Quote - Breaking Dawn? "Now you know. No-one has ever loved anyone as much as i love you..." - Bella. "You're almost right. I know of one exception." - Edward. Favourite Film? Umm... Edward is sooo hot in both... Umm... New Moon. Edward or Bella? Edward. Bella or Rosalie? Bella. Rosalie or Alice? Alice. Alice or Esme? Can't choose. Esme or Carlisle? Esme. Carlisle or Emmett? Emmett. Emmett or Jasper? Emmett. Edward or Emmett? Edward. Edward or Jasper? Edward. Alice or Emmett? Can't choose. Jacob or Seth? Seth (only because he likes Edward.) Jacob or Paul? Neither. Paul or Embry? Neither. Embry or - You get the point. Edward or Jacob? Seriously?? EDWARD! 1. What is your occupation? I'm a student. 2. What are you listening to right now? Matt Nathanson - Come on get higher. 3. What was the last thing you ate? Um... Chips (Fries). 4. How is the weather right now? Uh, it's Ireland so - raining. 5. Favourite Drink? Blood... No, it's Coke! I'm addicted! 6. Favourite Sport? I'm not really in to sport, though i LOVE baseball because the Cullen's play it... 7. Have you ever dyed your hair? Yes, brown, then blonde, then back to normal auburn. 8. Do you wear contacts or glasses? Nope. 9. Pets? None. 10. What's your favourite T.V shows? Glee, Gossip Girl, The Vampire Diaries. 11. What's your favourite films? Twilight, New Moon, Remember Me. 12. What was the last movie you watched? Remember Me - cries. 13. Favourite day of the year? June 20th, because it's Edward's birthday and also the day i was due to be born... I got June 17th instead... 14. What do you do to vent anger? Shout at Jacob Black in my head. 15. Fall or Spring? Fall = More vampires... Spring = More meadow time... Uh, i don't know. 16. What's on the floor of your closet? Clothes and a spare Edward Cullen poster... I know, it's a sin... But i have NO space left on my wall to put it up!! 17. Favourite Smell? Edward Cullen... Hmmm. 18. What inspires you? People who have gone through a hard time and still do the right thing and get on with their lives. Also, my dreams... 19. What are you afraid of? Fear. 20. Favourite car? Sliver Volvo C30, i shout 'VOLVO!' everytime i see a Volvo... Haha Good Times... 21. Where are you? My bedroom. 22. Look up, now look back, what did you see? A picture of Edward Cullen. 23. Stand up, close your eyes, spin around three times, open your eyes, what do you see? A picture of Edward Cullen. 24. What's your personality like? Funny (so i hear), kind, friendly, helpful, nutter, Edward Cullen stalker and worshiper, Twilight pusher (Every new person i meet i ask 'Have you read Twilight?' Yes 'Omg! Whose Team are you on? No 'Freak! Go read it now... GO!' 25. Who do you have a crush on? Don't tell anyone, but there's this guy i absolutely love... His name is Edward Cullen. 26. You have a million dollars, what do you do? Buy a Sliver Volvo C30, the rights to The Twilight Saga, The Cullen's house, and of course... Edward Cullen... 27. Grab the closest thing to you, what is it? My copy of Blood Brothers. (Anyone else laugh when they saw the character named Edward is referred to as Eddie? Good Times in English class. Haha.) 28. What are you eating/ drinking right now? A bottle of Coke - I'm addicted. 29. Get a book, flick to page 57, line 19, and word 9. What does it say? I picked Twilight (duh!) and the word was 'Edward'... freaky... It was the line, 'That was the first night i dreamed of Edward Cullen.' Haha. 30. Have a conversation with the closest person beside you, other than yourself. Edward Cullen says 'Hi.' |
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