![]() Author has written 7 stories for Hetalia - Axis Powers, Hanna is not a Boys Name, Misc. Cartoons, Soul Eater, and Web Shows. Hi, I am nurmuzdalifahm. My real name is Nur Muzdalifah. Not much of a difference, right ? The last "M" in my name is the first letter in my dad's name. I was born on 1st October 1996 and still studying, obviously. I am a Malaysian Muslim and I am not scared to shout it out. But don't be a racist. I don't do that stuff to you . So why should you do that to me ? I support straight and slash. But not lesbian/yuri. I have an issue with that. I don't really like OC stuff so, yeah. BUT ANYWAY...8D I have MANY fandoms but I don't really write much about them. I'm more of a fanart person rather than a fanfic person. You can visit me here at http:/// I am a lazy bum so I post my stories very late. I go hiatus when I have school. But I try very hard to post them. Because I LOVE YOUUUU xD Forgive me if I am a bad writer. I'm still an amature and I haven't wrote anything more than a two page essay only. Now, for the best part. MY FANDOMS !!! Get ready for not so utter longness I LOOOOVEE...Danny Phantom, Soul Eater, Axis Power Hetalia, Hanna Is Not A Boy's Name, Gorillaz, Bruno Mars, Kuroshitsuji, Bruno Mars, Team Fortress 2, V For Vendetta, Vocaloids, Michael Jackson, Skulduggery Pleasent, ANGRY BIRDS (FUCK YEAH), Pokemon, and other stuff I forgot to mention. Anyway, I still love you guys and I am happy to share my MSN, FB and other stuff with you. AND I LOVE REVIEWS !!! |