aizen must die
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Joined 02-19-10, id: 2261553, Profile Updated: 07-28-13
Author has written 6 stories for Bleach, and Darker than BLACK.

I am Aizen Must Die a proud hater of the former captain and i wanted to come up with a zanpakuto that made Aizen look like a pile of crap and i do beleive i succeded. i designed Tate Shokkou which is my zanpakuto. it is called Tate Shokkou because it takes eight blades that lay on the back half of the blade and uses spititual energy to allow them to move in mid air but remain attatched to the sword itself. it is much like Renji Abari's bankai in a sense but the spiritual energy is a yellow green color and it dosn't have the ability to eat my opponents. in other words i have made a sword that can block aizen's attacks whether i can see them or not. the only problem is that i can only block eight attacks at the same time unless i wrap myself in the spiritual threads so to speak.

when i designed this sword i was told it was a fairly good one and i was asked by some of my friends to draw them some zanpakuto of their own based on what they wanted them to do or look like. i bring this up cause i am bored out of my mind most of the time and i would like people to send me some zanpakuto ideas so i can draw them and i will send you a picture of it if you want. one person who i designed a zanpakuto for was Hollow ichigo-ichigo who has it in one of her fanfics. ask her if i do a good job.

I have recently found out that a lot of people have been reading my stories so i thought that it would be a good idea to give a little information about myself, so here it goes:

1. my age well i'm 22 now but obviously i age so i'll try to keep you guys up on that.

2. i am a dying bread... a natural red head who doesn't die his hair BTW anyone who was a red head and dies their hair they converted and are not one of us.

3. name: if you read my story you'll find out

4. weight= i am fat and i love it Not Obesse i am fat there is a difference!

5. favorite Bleach character would have to be Rukia Kuchiki/Ichigo Kurosaki cause they are a dead even for me.

6. other fav anime/manga= Karin/Chibi Vampire, The Meloncoly of Haruhi Suzumiya, Darker than Black, Hell Girl, Full Metal Alcamist, Trinity Blood, Lain, Elfen Lied, Slayers, Hellsing, Soul Eater, Deathnote, and Witchblade (By the way I'm a perv but that's not why i got Elfen Lied or Witchblade.) btw if you can't tell i like a certain style of anime with the exception to Karin/Chibi Vampire, Lain, and Slayers those three i grew up on and love but i enjoy psychological thrillers the most as well as vampire stories cause werewolf stories don't exist that i know of. there are many more i've been sticking to anime because half the films they've been producing that arn't anime suck!

also just so that you know each of the soul reapers that i have created have a real person and a real personality behind them. to simplify matters for all the morons that don't understand, each character has a friend of mine in real life that it is based off of to ensure that the characters are differentiated from each other. as such i have decided to develop a Character status list.

This message goes to anyone who reads the story I wrote called Blood Stains a Red Moon heed my warning I am willing to kill key characters in the bleach story line in the most gruesome manner that I can possibly think of in my demented mind such key characters may include Grimmjow, Keigo, Kennpachi, Chizuru, Komamora, and many more so if you don't want to see certain characters die sorry but it will probably happen because I finally realized something that a friend told me, I am god in my fics and I can make anything I want happen and I wanted to make a story that went beyond my normal boundries of right and wrong when it came up with this particular story. You Have Been Warned!

Favorite zanpakuto are:

1.Tensa Zangetsu

2.Suzumushi Tsuishiki: Enma Kōrogi


4.Ryujin Jakka

5.Tekken Tachikaze

6.Hihio Zabimaru





Favorite Zanpakuto of the Arrancar:




4.Suzumushi Hyakushiki: Grillar Grillo

5.Tigre Estoque


7.Tiburon (I am a perv but that isn't the reason for liking this one)



10.Fornicaras (it has a stupid name but its abilities are cool even if the user is gay)

Favorite zanpakuto that I created for my Soul Reapers:

1.Kage Imono Ken (Belongs to Sakkura)

2.Ryuuchou Yougan Ouja (Belongs to Taro)

3. Aku Arrashi (Belongs to Satoshi)

4.Koshudai (Belongs to Suzaku)

5.Zennosha Kougou Hachi (Belongs to Kenta)

6.Sendo Atemi (Belongs to Satsugai)

7.Moya Meka (Belongs to Haruhi)

8.Toki Sunaarashi (Belongs to Namida)

9.Hanpou Kasei (Belongs to Hana)

Favorite zanpakuto that I created for my Arrancar:


2.Malo Ojo



5.Loco Viento

6.Vida Traslada



10. Muerto Inverno

If you have any questions ask me at my email mr.jiggles34@ (I got the nickname at FFA camp because i'm fat and proud of it.)

Quotes of Random ass happyness:

i'm not lazy i'm just realy causious about doing favorite saying.

You can't kick me out it'll cause a miss count in ths Census...the Census--Homer Simpson

Why are you looking at that bus, please don't blow it up. I know my mom says their always late but they can't help it--Kari from Digimon the movie

"Did you see that" "No i was sleepin'" "But your driven"--Truckers from Digimon the movie

Lets rob these people and give the money to the poor then rob the poor and shoot the money--Billy the Kid from the Simpsons tree house of horrers 13

That's the power of pinesole baby--black chick from comercials

what's your mom like, mines a bitch--New Adventures of Old Christine

The lepricon tells me to burn things--Ralf Wiggum from the Simpsons

Cargo pants day is hear and I dance--Danial Tosh

Oh Fewwy and Pishow no fake nose for me thats all flummery--Paton Oswald

Even if you were killed you'd probably come back to life--Renji Abari

"I got hit in the nadds once and all my coach said was walk it off," "You can't walk this off," "Well not with that attitude."--Two and a Half Men

I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy evey minute of it--a shirt I used to own

My anger managment sessions are pissing me off--one of my best friends Evan

We do not celibrate the birth of Jesus--me impersonating a vampire at Christmas

Woman Make me a sanwich wit cheese on it--one of my best friends Cardone impersonating frankinstine

Stranger danger i need the safety dance!--one of my favorite sayings

Life is better with a crazy hat--one of my best friends David

there are five evil animals the canadian goose, rats, squirals, flys, and rabits and they all will kill us--my saying and it is true

silence you sexy beast--my favorite saying of all time (Add the phrase sexy beast to anything and you can't go wrong)

its a choco-jelly-surgar-death-tart its made with egg plant, spunge cake, green bean jelly filling, and chocolate frosting--Orihime Inoue (I want to make one and yes i memorized that saying from begining to end cause i have no life)

i guess her boobs absorbe the callaries--Non-important girl in bleach who i will learn how to spell her name later.

moomoo fish--one of my best friends Edie

your blood tastes sweeter than my boyfriends--one of my best friends CC and yes she did slightly drink my blood and i kinda liked it creepy yes that's why i put it on my profile ha.

he who laughs last, last laughs--one of my best friends josh came up with it and i love it

fear me for i am the taco turtle--my saying i got from a salsa bowl that i own

the imortal bear--a friend of mine named Jon had a problem on a game glitch with a bear that wouldn't die and that is how he came up with it

I'm not insane I'm crazy, insane means that i've been dignosed--i love that saying of mine

"That was close i almost died," "What happened?" "I can't breath when i lay face down because of my boobs" --Rangeku talking to Toshiro and i wonder if it is true so give me some info on that.

When you come by you should see me first I'll put on the barrbeque--Kenpachi Zaraki and i love this quote cause you don't see it coming.

That wasn't very nice...I do believe you've killed my hat--Kisuke Urahara and i wonder if he fixed that hat or got a new one answer that Tite Kubo.

"I sense them," "Which way?" "It disapeared...I sense them."--Noba talking to Chad and I think its one of the funniest fucking things I have ever witnessed.

Worry not fans there'll be more

My playlist of bleach: the songs that i have listened to while i made my fanfics and also songs that my aply to some of the fight scenes.

Three Days Grace: World So Cold, Animal I have Become, Break, Never to Late, It's all over, Pain, Get out Alive, Time of Dying, Life Starts Now, Bitter Taste, Home, The Good Life, Over and Over, One X

Disturbed: The Night, Inside the Fire, Striken, Down with the Sickness, Game, Indestructable, Criminal, Facade, The Curse, Ten Thousand Fists, Perfect Insanity, Hell

Breaking Benjamin: Blow me Away

Killswitch Engage: My Curse, This is Absolution, End of Heartache, My last Seronade

Skillet: Hero, Monster, Comatose, Whispers in the Dark, Awake and Alive,

Evanescense: Bring me to Life

GodSmack: I Stand Alone, Voodoo

Nickleback: This is how you Remind me, Hero

Rise-Against: Re-education, Savior, Collapse (Post-Amerika), Entertainment, The Strength To Go On, Long Forgoten Sons

Thousand Foot Krutch: Move

Linkin Park: Given Up, What I've Done, No More Sorrow, New Divide

System Of A Down: B.Y.O.B.

Dragon Force: The Fire Still Burns, Through Fire and Flames, Heros Of Our Time, The Last Journey Home, Inside the Winter Storm

Metalica: One, All Nightmare Long, Enter Sandman

Shinedown: If you only knew, Devour, Sound of Madness, Cry For Help


For my stories I also would like to list the song or songs in some cases that best reprisents my stories.

Hueco Mundo will Fall= Criminal by Disturbed as well as The Night, Ten Thousand Fists by Disturbed, and Animal I have Become by Three Days Grace (Why? mainly because it just sounds good in this story)

The Broken Bow= If You Only Knew by Shine Down (Why? cause i say so and you'll find out when i get to chapter three)

Blood Stains A Red Moon= Hell by Disturbed, All Nightmare Long by Metalica, and also a new one Indestructable by Distrubed (Why? does death and destruction ring a bell)

as a bleach fan i of course have some opinions about certain topics

Ichigo kiss Rukia and do it before i shank you

Hiyori i think you would be a fun drunk

Gin don't talk don't move and don't live there i said it and you are a child molester

Orihime you can die alone for liking ichigo when he belongs to rukia

Renji let Rukia make out with ichigo you don't have a chance in hell if i have to kill you myself i'll do it just to stop you

Aizen thats enough stop with your persistance in living

Kyoraku stay the way you are you will get Nanao and she'll love you for it

Kenpachi if you reach bankai we all die

Yamamoto you need to take some anti ageing cream

Hinamori you need to date Hitsuguya and call it a day

Ichigo you need to get glade because you have a multitude of females after you whether you know it or not and that is the dream... ROCK ON MY FRIEND!

Uryu get a grip on life and date Nemu Kurotsuchi because i want you to end of story don't argue with crazy fans (To answer you question i am crazy)

Kisuke never take off the hat of awsomeness and make out with Yoruichi because then there is no more racial tension in Bleach

Tosen stay dead you blind racist

Komomora Get a Better Bankai (P.S. i would like to pet Komomora because he is such a good boy, is that creepy)

Rukia you need to be in a slutty swim suit in one episode just to see Ichigo crack under the pressure and i will laugh... HA!

Mayuri Kurotsuchi get yourself a woman who blinds you with science... thats right i went there.

Shinji you are not a pimp and your family wants you to come home, don't listen to them though because you belong to the fans... you are our vizard slave

Love and Rose who are you kidding you are not very strong how do i know i've seen your stats come on guys

Nanou give Kyuraku some lovin it'll get him off your back, or on it repeatedly your choice

Kensei you scare me and i love it

Mashiro what the hell is your problem did you have parental problems or what

Hachigen you reprisent all fat fighters and i wish you luck and imortality only because i can grant it

Byakuya get laid that is all just do it and releive your stress.

Yachiru keep up the good work and at one point you need to kill someone and make them look like a retard

Grand Fisher is a woman beater not funny hum.

Grimjov what is your problem you panther bitch

Ulquiorra you are one sick son of a bitch and you need to wash your face of those tears you woss

Orihime die alone and leave Ichigo alone, nothing personal find someone else and quick


Ikkaku bald people have no soul because it escaped through your head

Kago what are you going to do if you get charged with sexual assault

Chad should play on the guitar for he is awesome

Chad made it across the border and no one will attempt to stop him

I have developed a saying for Chad that he will never say "I'm going to punch you in the stomach with your face!" like it i thought you would

Ishida only thinks he's a hard ass

Orihime is only in the Anime because she's got big boobs

Barragan should have lived just to prove that he's an asshole.

I think that Shinji and Hiyori should have a bad romance together just to make the story much more interesting and dramatic plus she will hit him hundreds of times more and we all want that

Hachigen is the only one in the whole bleach story line who is black with pink hair kinda gay

Matsumoto you are loose and I LOVE IT even though you turn on an old friend of mine (Creepy i know but a good friend of mine loves Rangiku)

Toshiro grow up physicaly not mentaly

Momo simply kick some ass

Yumichika what the hell is your problem one day when you're asleep i'll give you a bad face lift.

Lisa you are an amaising person having said that you are a bigger pervert than i am and that's saying something

Yumichika i am going to cut off your eye lashes when you least expect it

Isshin release your zanpakuto and fight Kisuke it will amuse me Bwahahaha arms crossed

Fuck you Don Kanonji

Yamamoto how old are you if you've been the head captain for one thousand years or so you old fuck

Ulquiorra why do you look like L from deathnote you creepy emo bastard

Has Yamamoto ever had hair

Jin Kariya what is up with your eyebrows try to at least comb them down or something you creepy R-tard

Yoshi I believe that you and Kenpachi Zaracki would be perfect for each other

I think that Ron Tao and Yamamoto went to high school together with Unohana and they were friends (Happy moment yay)

What are those wrinkles on the top of Yammy's head cause i think he needs that looked at by a specialist in cancer

Gin Ichimaru has no right calling Ichigo creepy

Isshin should teach his son Kido if he knows it not for skill just to see him get blown up by Hado #31 Shokaho (Just so Renji won't be alone)

Ryukken you are a god of Quincy and i want to see you fight a glorious battle with Aizen (I hope you don't die from it, but I still want Isshin to be the one to do it or Kisuke)

Hiyori looking for her better half...I know its mean but I don't care

Chappy is a psycho bitch

Szayel is a pink haired little gay tard...that's right i like his zanpakuto but i hate that fag

Dordonii was cool and he shouldn't have died but he could have been a lot less clumsy

why does Aizen look like he belongs to the KKK in his Hogyoku form cause i think someone should have told Tosen a while ago (No offense)

Korodo is a Johny Depp Whanabe (That's right i said it and you were thinking it that's why i write the story's and you read'em)

Aparanetly the ultimate power of any being resides in the mullet (example: Ichigo in his new hollow form, Grimmjow when releasing Pantera, Aizen when he "hatches" from the Hogyoku)

New name for the Hogyoku...ready for this...cause i know your not...the Jesus Orb (You come up with a better one biatch)

Okay i read this on the internet and i thought i would put it on here cause it's funny so here ya go "Aizen's not evil, he's the king to the soul society and he lost his key to get back home. Now we just don't want him to make a new one."

MOMENTS OF BLEACH STUPIDITY: This is just some idioticy that i have noticed on bleach because i have that kind of time.

When Uryu is fighting Jin Kariya and Ron Tou's spiritual energy goes out of control why doesn't he just fire that arrow at Kariya and kill him instead of wasteing it Uryu for this you are a dumb son of a bitch and deserve to die a vergin.

More stupidity ladies and gentalmen why during the fight between Kariya and Ichigo when Maki interupts them does Ichigo keep holding his sword in the air like he's going to take revenge against the wind, come on Ichigo cut the bastard while he has his guard down and Maki needs to die anyway for he fought Kenpachi you are the only one who gets to live.

Why does Zenoske Kuromadani live (Yeah that's right that's it got a problem with it!)

Another unessicary moment of bleach stupidity, what the fuck is up with Di Roy's teeth? I mean i know that he has to look different from humans cause he's an Arrancar but Aizen should come up with a fucking dental plan for that dumb ass. Or a better idea break in all of his creepy god damned teeth and give that retard some dentures or something.

With any luck there won't be more of these because bleach is awsome!

Time for some Bleach logic: This is my serious time frame and i wish to discuss what i believe to be the most logical things about bleach that isn't discussed, so enjoy, I ORDER IT!

I personaly think that Barragan was a Vasto Lorde Hollow that Aizen found becuase of his powers and the fact that as a hollow he looked much like a humanoid type hollow.

I believe that Yamamoto is one tough SOB and that his bankai could easily defeat any person, in other words i fear him if he really was alive.

It is my opinion that Aizen was a Vizard long before he first fought Ichigo and the others, and he just used the Hogyoku to better his powers.

The people who i would like to kill Aizen are as follows: Isshin Kurosaki, Shinji Hirako, Grimmjow Jaegerjaqez, Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck, Yamamoto, and finally Kisuke Urahara. (If you would like me to make a poll over this send me a message)

Orihime has a very strong power but i think it would be interesting if she combined different Shun Shun Rikka together and have a totaly different power all together.

Ryuken is a very powerful quincy but i don't think that he completly hates his power and Uryu is an Amature at being a Quincy.

I think that Isshin Kurosaki could easily kick Ichigo's ass any time any were.

I also believe that Gin is a vizard but he does'nt know his bankai, the same i believe is true with Aizen. (Recently realized that Gin does know Bankai so i am sorry if i gave others false hopes)

I beleive that Chad is the most powerful human being in the entire world, the reason is because he has three souls within his body: a hollow, Chad's own soul, and his Grandfathers soul.

It is my opinion that Kisuke's bankai is very powerful enough to defeat Ichigo.

I believe that Aizen has been killing and even putting his Arrancar's through such fights so that he can make his army flawless in every sense of the word, however i believe that the only Vasto larde he has aquired is Barragan and possibly Starrk but that is pushing it.

The reason Ichigo's hollow form changes, i believe, is because it is evolving as it gains power, much like a dinosaur. it evolves to survive agianst other beings.

I think that Kisuke Urahara's Bankai will boil your blood or something cool like that.

I am of the belief that Ichigo's inner hollow let him have a taste of his hollow resurreccion without the name to save his life, just like when he used his Getsuga Tensho before he knew the name of it. (In other words I believe that Ichigo had control of his body when he killed Ulquiorra)

I believe that the purpose of hollows is not only to become Vasta Lorde but to remove their masks and become more like Soul Reapers and become Arrancar, i believe that is the reason for their consumption of other hollows and holes.

I also believe that the canibalization of other hollows in order to become Vasta Lorde may be a large factor but I don't believe that if they stop they are reduced to mindless Gillians, I think they just loose power.

It is also my opinion that once a hollow becomes an Arrancar there is no longer a need to absorbe souls into their systems, this being because when they are hollows they have no power limits, but when they become Arrancar they are placed with the spiritual limitations of being like a shinigami.

Gillians in my opinion are basicaly mindless because purpose has been removed from their being.

The creature Fura that Aizen controls isn't a hollow or at least that is my opinion because he doesn't display any clasic traits of hollows nor is he actually said to be a hollow.

As i say in my story The Broken Bow I believe that the Quincy Bangle was origionaly used to train young Quincy

I am also of the opinion that the only way to make a perfect Arrancar is to first be a Vasta Lorde then remove your mask that way you have great power to start off with then you gain instead of loose at a steady rate as the hollows fear that if they don't canabalize they will become a Gillian again (Which i don't beleive is true anyway.)

Fun thought I believe that Nel when she was made into an Arrancar was given a heart mainly because she doesn't have a hollow hole. plus the hogyoku can do whatever the fuck it wants so come on its not that hard to beielve.

Battles that never happened but should have:

Tosen vs. Maki Ichinose (Tosen using Bankai)

Grimmjow vs. Kennpachi

Gin vs. Shinji

Aizen vs. Yamamoto (with his Ryujin Jakka)

Edrad vs. Yamamoto (Just to see what would happen)

Ryuken vs. Gin

Kisuke vs. Jin Kariya

Kensei vs. Dordonii

Hollow Ichigo vs. Yamamoto

Ulquiorra vs. Byakuya

Izuru vs. Gin

Shuhei vs. Ichigo (Battle of the spiked hair)

Rukia vs. Rangeku (Battle of the boobs)

Kyoraku vs. Ukitake

Mayuri vs. Kennpachi (third movie my prayers were slightly answered)

Unohana vs. Anyone

Isshin vs. Starrk (Battle of the little beard)

Toshiro vs. Hollow Ichigo

Yoruichi vs. Komamora (Cat vs. Dog)

have a nice day!

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Unexpected Existence by Hollow Ichigo-Ichigo reviews
After the war, Ichigo goes back to a normal life. But when his hollow appears at school and everyone claims he's Ichigo's twin, he knows somethings wrong. As they both try to figure out why he's like this, they learn more about who 'Hichigo' really is.
Bleach - Rated: M - English - Angst/Suspense - Chapters: 32 - Words: 79,922 - Reviews: 345 - Favs: 246 - Follows: 104 - Updated: 7/20/2010 - Published: 3/24/2010 - Ichigo K., Dark Ichigo - Complete
Kuroi no Taiyō – The Sun's Blackness by Black Sun Upon An Icy Sky reviews
Muramasa found a new target: Kurosaki Ichigo. Infiltrating his mind and screwing with his trust Ichigo sides with him and the other Zanpakutô... and casts aside his last bindings to the Shinigami - in becoming a Zanpakutô himself/IchiRuki/
Bleach - Rated: T - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 9 - Words: 26,314 - Reviews: 161 - Favs: 264 - Follows: 115 - Updated: 7/12/2010 - Published: 12/11/2009 - [Ichigo K., Rukia K.] Muramasa - Complete
Another Year of Eternity by Black Sun Upon An Icy Sky reviews
Written for Urahara Kisuke's birthday! Done in roughly 5 minutes, so bear with me xD Happy New Year, folks!
Bleach - Rated: K+ - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 467 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 12 - Follows: 2 - Published: 12/31/2009 - [K. Urahara, Yoruichi S.] - Complete
Ame no Kioku by Black Sun Upon An Icy Sky reviews
IchiRuki /I hate the Rain/Sorry, Zangetsu, but with Rukia gone... I don't have the will left to stop the rain from falling/
Bleach - Rated: T - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,172 - Reviews: 23 - Favs: 37 - Follows: 3 - Published: 10/21/2009 - [Ichigo K., Rukia K.] - Complete
Blood & Bone by KyubiGal reviews
The only thing that would destroy Ichigo... IchigoXRukia, One shot!
Bleach - Rated: T - English - Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 291 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 4 - Published: 4/13/2005 - Complete
Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Spirit Ribbons of the Forsaken reviews
It's been ten years since Aizen's defeat and Ichigo has moved up the ranks in the Soul Society but hollows in the world of the living have recently been disapearing and the only thing left behind of them is a red crystal that hides spiritual pressure.
Bleach - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Mystery - Chapters: 13 - Words: 35,152 - Reviews: 18 - Favs: 17 - Follows: 14 - Updated: 4/3/2011 - Published: 8/5/2010 - Ichigo K. - Complete
EB307 the Deceased
Yet another ordeal involving contractors wishing to be known by the general public but what happens when these contractors are wanted by anyone and everyone and they seek help from Mizuki Kirihara, will she join the cause or add to the problem?
Darker than BLACK - Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,862 - Follows: 1 - Published: 11/22/2010 - M. Kirihara
Souls Bleed
Yuki the Soul Reaper in charge of the town Shibata has had it easy for a while just killing the odd hollow now and then but when a hollow is killed right in front of her by a flash of blue light she doesn't think its a normal surconstance to say the least
Bleach - Rated: T - English - Suspense - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,195 - Favs: 1 - Follows: 1 - Published: 9/26/2010
Hueco Mundo will Fall reviews
Imprissoned for 300 years now Akiba and his allies are looking for revenge on a manipulative Arrancar who calls himself the Dios of Hueco Mundo will they be victorious or will the masks that they bare stifle their plans on vengence? IchixRukia & NelxOC
Bleach - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 12 - Words: 28,684 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 2 - Follows: 2 - Updated: 7/26/2010 - Published: 5/2/2010
Blood Stains a Red Moon reviews
Hell has sent a minion to dispatch with hollows is he an enemy or a friend and why does the moon glow crimson when he appears from the gates of hell? Warning read my profile before you read this story for the special warning acompanying this story.
Bleach - Rated: M - English - Horror/Adventure - Chapters: 12 - Words: 16,309 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 5 - Follows: 3 - Updated: 7/18/2010 - Published: 4/2/2010
The Broken Bow reviews
They existed over two hundred years ago and then the soul reapers took them out but when did they go wrong and what was the situations of their untimely demise this is the story of the leader of the Quincy and a Soul Reaper who had to watch over him.
Bleach - Rated: M - English - Adventure - Chapters: 2 - Words: 6,157 - Reviews: 2 - Follows: 1 - Updated: 3/29/2010 - Published: 3/28/2010
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  1. Calling all Ichigo people!
    Anime/Manga Bleach