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Joined 01-25-10, id: 2230632, Profile Updated: 01-27-10
Author has written 2 stories for Hetalia - Axis Powers.

Author: Hungary (Frying pan.)
AKA: ToastedWhiskers (But don't look over there it's all crap.)
Age: Older than Prussia. (Canonical faaaail.)
Favorite Fandoms: Hetalia, Persona 3 and 4, Kuroshitsuji... and pretty much everything else that exists.
Favorite Pairings in no particular order: Prussia/Austria, Prussia/Hungary, Austria/Hungary, Japan/Greece, Turkey/Greece, HolyRomanEmpire/Chibitalia, China/Taiwan, Souji/Naoto, Yosuke/Chie, Kayo/OtherSelf, Sebastian/Grell, Sebastian/Undertaker Teehee, Undertaker/Grell... More to be added as it is thought of.

Co-author: Puroisen (Damn cool like a little bird!)
FortunesRevolver (I invade the Vital Regions of Megami Tensei and Hetalia a lot here.)
Older than some, younger than most
Favourite Fandoms: Hetalia, Persona, Tales of various titles, and Sonic the Hedgehog
Favourite Pairings (not in any real order): PrussiaxAustria (Hetalia), USxUK (Hetalia), GerIta (Hetalia), HRExChibitalia (Hetalia), ChinaxJapan (Hetalia), SoujixNaoto (Persona 4), AkiMina (Persona 3), YosukexChie (Persona 4), RisexKanji (Persona 4), StahnxLion (Tales of Destiny), LloydxColette (Tales of Symphonia), EmilxRichter (Tales of Symphonia 2), SasuNaru (Naruto), and YuffiexVincent (Final Fantasy)


Puroisen: So, the story behind this account is pretty simple... We're strange. The penname is something that we made up when combining together words that would relate to Prussia and Hungary of Axis Powers: Hetalia. It isn't really that we support the pairing (okay, Lizzy does, I don't) but we just wanted to use something witty and clever that related to characters we RP'd on forums. Because we're awesome like that. Or something.

Hungary: Damn straight I support the pairing. Anyways, since Prussia and I started collabing on some works, we decided we should make a collab account so as not to confuse people. This was an added benefit for me, because now I get my name connected to Gil's, and hopefully some of his awesome will rub off on me. Or whatever it is he keeps going on about, delusional vampire. YEAH I'M ONTO YOU GILBERT.

Puroisen: ...Who are you calling delusional? You're the insane b-tch who keeps trying to stab me with wooden stakes! (Just because someone is albino doesn't mean they are a vampire. AND I DON'T SPARKLE, SO DON'T START!) -ahem- In any case... Most of our starting collabs are (and will be) "Lists of Dont's". Hopefully, at some point, some of my Awesome might possibly fathom gracing the banc--I mean Lizzy, with it's presence. Hopefully, you'll all enjoy... whatever it is we manage to do when we get bored.

Hungary: ... We'll finish this argument later, Gil. And what was that you were gonna call me? You're just asking for the hurt... Anyways, please continue on to find our collabs!

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

100 Things that Restrict my Awesome reviews
100 things that West requires I do if I'm to come to the meetings. ...How uncool.
Hetalia - Axis Powers - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,111 - Reviews: 22 - Favs: 102 - Follows: 7 - Published: 1/27/2010 - Prussia - Complete
100 Things Greece Shouldn't Do reviews
Greece isn't always a quiet, sleepy philosopher.
Hetalia - Axis Powers - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 953 - Reviews: 25 - Favs: 115 - Follows: 15 - Published: 1/27/2010 - Greece