Author has written 4 stories for Hetalia - Axis Powers, and Yu-Gi-Oh. Hey, this would be Melinda Penn! Yah... that name probably makes no sence to you... but well, basically its a pen name I started to write with because I wrote this one story that I really liked, but it embarassed me too, so I used it for that one, and well, then she became a character in one of my stories, and when my friend asked me for a name for the charecter I would be represented by I told her Melinda Penn, and well, it just kind of stuck after that... you know? Okay, so I write a lot of fanfictions, but I'm always really embarassed of them, since I write a lot of shonen-ai, or boy x boy love, I think its just so cute! Though I do write some non shonen-ai, so, well, I guess, don't like, don't read! I love anime and manga, and specifically Hetalia and Fullmetal Alchemist. My friends call me Finolausseece and Edward Elric, which, well, is because, with Hetalia me and my friends whom like it call each other by the country names, and I guess I have an identity crisis or something because I'm FINland, pOLand, rUSSia, and grEECE(all male charecters, tells you something about me, right?). And Edward Elric is because I'm REALLY defensive about my height, and literally gave somebody a black eye because they called me short, shush, my parents don't know about that... Alright, more about me. I love the book Unwind, and I really like the anime Azumanga Daioh, I have a friend whom calls me Kaorin from the anime. I love cats, like, am obsessed with them. I walk around saying meow and nya, nya is meow in japanese, I wear cat ears, I wear a mask that has cat ears and stuff on it for no reason what-so-ever, and I used to have a cat tail like thing I would wear but then my friend broke it so I'm looking for something new, I have three cats, cats are the background for my computer, and I have a heck of a lot of shirts that have to do with cats... I LOVE cats... And I have and obsession with greece and am learning the language... in Hetalia, Greece has an obsession with cats, starting to see why I'm him? I'm a total tomboy, and even though I'm a girl the majority of my clothing choices are from the guys section, I've been mistaken for a guy to many times for me count, and I hate dresses and skirts and pink and anything GIRLY. I skateboard and snowboard, and people think I'm weird and I'm really loud and not shy... and... and... and... well, I guess I'm just odd, strange, don't really fit in. Don't have that many friends, probably the loudest most outgoing person you'll ever meet that can only call three people her actual friends. And I guess thats me... thanks for listening! :P Ελπίζω ότι σας απολαμβάνουν! (Greek: Hope you enjoy!) ~Melinda Penn |