Author has written 12 stories for Supernatural. I'd like to take a little bit here to say thank you to everyone who reviews my stories. As much as I would love to answer you all personally (because that's just the type of person I am when I give thank yous), I don't have the time. However, thank you sooo much for anything you have ever said about any of my stories. Because each review shows that someone liked it enough to take the time and let me know. And of course, I know our Supernatural Family is one of such fandoms that is, in fact, a family. So thank you. :) Update: Hey guys. I've been gone for a long while now, leaving a story hanging and while I haven't posted anything new in way too long, I do however have three new stories in the works. The problem is that I have been working two jobs and have no time to write (ie. i fall asleep when I try). My dog started having seizures due to what I believe was the flea medication I was giving her at the time. Trifexis is poison. Don't give it to your pets. That being said, along with her vet bills, school loans, and unexpected bad luck I seem to always get it's been a bit rough lately. So thank you for not hounding me to update and for the newer reviews I have gotten last year. It is always encouraging, no matter how long ago they were written. I am looking for a better paying job that might actually pay my bills without leaving me with only $10 left and will hopefully be back in the swing of things soon. I do very much miss writing and have started blocking out times to go back over my works and get things going again. If you feel inclined to help, I have started a Ko-fi page recently. I'm really bad at asking for anything but I'll just put the link here and let ya'll do as you please with that. https:///writerforthem I have also started an AO3 and will be updating/moving my writings there and have branched into another fandom if you guys wanna keep following my work as well as any Jared/Jensen stories I have started to doodle in my notebooks about. Thanks again guys. And I hope you keep enjoying my writing. |