![]() Author has written 14 stories for Super Smash Brothers, Neopets, Star Wars, Naruto, Inheritance Cycle, and Young Justice. My writing friend Neocolai recently self published a book: The Nightling by Rook Dar Christiansen. You can find it on , or Barnes and Nobles, Amazon, Nook, and Kindle if you prefer any of those. Link: http:///shop/rook-dar-christiansen/the-nightling/ebook/product-21979940.html Description: In the fantasy world, vampires thirst and werewolves hunt, but Neal Herbert has a more problematic situation on his hands. He stumbles on the newly invented fable “Nightlings” after a rival presses an assignment on him in school. Impossible facts line up and he realizes his “normal” life doesn’t even exist. A phantom named Dantes takes over every night, imprinting memories of vaulting buildings and overseeing a kingdom of night and stars. Neal battles this shadow for control, until he realizes he can no longer fight himself. Squabbling with a dual-persona is a harmless joke, however, compared to the nightmare of Dantes’ life. Nightlings are territorial, and a rival intends to rule in Dantes’ place. In the wake of night, where Dreamwalkers are a Nightling’s only connection to the real world and humans are breaths of wind vaporized by mortality, Neal and Dantes must work together if they are to survive high school and beyond. Bit more of an anime touch to this one than Neocolai's usual Hobbit fashion. Check it out! You might really enjoy it! ATG's Current Writing Status: Not writing. Working On: Nada. Story Status: Rising Phoenix: Finished! Phoenix Reborn: Finished. Soaring on Wings of Flame: Revising sooner or later. Ichchha Muerte: Finished! Raising a Raven: Chapter 40 up. The Muse was starved to death after the most recent update. :P My Brother's Keeper: Chapter 11 up. Raven Fledgeling: Hiatus The Wolf and the Raven: Ch. 21 halfway done. Considering... How to Care for Your Chibi Akatsuki: Ch. 6 up (On temporary hiatus until next muse whacks me over the head). Running Free: Chapter 7 up. Thinking... Officer Calling 1080: Finished Warning Guide for Stories: Rising Phoenix: Rated T just to be safe. Some violence involved, but overall it's pretty tame. Ichchha Muerte: Series of drabbles in story format. Rated for some violence, lots of angst. The usual. Soaring on Wings of Flame: Same as Rising Phoenix Raising a Raven: T for cruel treatment of kid Itachi. Blood, wars, mean people, and some death (follows Naruto plotline), but again nothing that violates story policy. My Brother's Keeper: T for blood, angst, and evil Danzo. Raven Fledgeling: A story mainly centered around chibi Itachi. Pretty tame, written for humor's sake. (K) Rating may or may not need to go up later, depending on how much violent content involved. The Wolf and the Raven: T for angst, blood, and more angst. Follows Naruto plotline. Shades of Amaterasu: An epic title for my first attempt at a Naruto story. Rated T for blood. Follows Naruto plotline. End Game: Rated T for blood and character death. Running Free: Nothing that violates my "clean storyline" policy below, but a little brutal in some parts. Rated T for violence. "Stone" and "Amist the Winter Snow": Yes, I can't believe I wrote something for neopets. Both stories rated K. How to Care for Your Chibi Akatsuki: For humor's sake. Rated K. Officer Calling 1080: Another humor fic. A tiny bit of Robin whumping and general DC madness. Rated K. Like quick updates?: I write a variety of stories according to my mood. Sometimes I can get hooked on a series for months at a time, and then drop it suddenly to switch to another category. A lot of this depends on reviews. Series like Naruto can keep my attention for lengthy periods of time, but other categories like Neopets would have lasted only a day if I hadn't gotten so many comments. When I switch categories, it can take me months to return to them unless a lot of reviewers ask for the next chapter. Note however - if I am not in the mood for a certain category, I may not write at all. There is a reason I have so many unfinished stories up. My moods rapidly change, and when I feel like writing about a movie or book I will only write for that specific category. Usually I will not update a certain story because I have no inspiration for that category whatsoever. As you may have noticed, I haven't updated anything in the Star Wars category for close to six months now. Once again reviewers can influence this however, so keep up the encouragement. :) Sometimes I tend to be a little lazy. If I like a story but don't feel like writing a chapter, I don't. But when reviews start pouring in begging for the next part, I hardly consider it fair to keep people waiting. :) Another way to get me to update if you really are desperate is to send me a youtube or song or even a fanfiction that has to do with the category. (Clean youtubes only, with no profanity or nasty pictures/implications - that just makes me turn off the computer). My moods are easily swayed, and if you get me reading Last of the Jedi or the latest Naruto Manga you can very possibly influence when I write the next chapter. Other things you should know: A Tragic Galaxy - The name has a meaning. :) I like writing about angst and tragedy, and I often enjoy killing off my characters in one-shot fics. (I actually have diabolical plans to kill Itachi at least once in each of my Naruto fics.) If you don't like violence or minor torture to your favorite characters, be warned. If you love angst, then sit back and enjoy the fanfiction. :D Clean Storyline - I may have a bloody script, but the I try and keep things clean. That means no sex scenes, no induendo, no implications, no foul language, and absolutely no yaoi. Got into that stuff once and I thank Jesus that He saved me from it. These stories should work perfect for anyone who can handle slightly violent situations but enjoy a nice, normal, decent rated fic. (Would be K but for the violence). :) Grammar Policy - I try and keep the grammar and spelling impeccible. Sadly I don't have spellcheck though, and sometimes I leave intentional fragments for effect. Grammar is important though, as I found that it influenced my opinion of many a story. If you find there are some obvious mistakes, let me know and I'll try to fix them. Very Original Ideas - Sometimes my ideas are a little out of this world, but that's what fanfiction is for. If it's too weird however, let me know. I like my stories to make sense. Is the world going to end in May 2011? Obviously it didn't, and not because there was a "miscalculation" in the timeline. The Bible states in Matthew chapter 24: 36-37, "No one knows about that day or hour." We cannot predict the day the earth will be destroyed. However, just because no one knows when the world will end doesn't mean it will last forever. Eventually this world will be destroyed. A brief summary is this; wars and catastrophes will break out all over the world. Jesus will return to rule the earth for a million years of peace (literally), and another war will begin as the great nations try and keep Him from taking control. After the millenium (the 1 million years of Jesus' rule), Satan will bring together the people on the earth who don't want Jesus to be in charge. Another war will break out and Satan and those who adamantly follow him will be thrown into Hell for eternity. Then the earth be remade. The new earth will have no sin, death, or pain. All who believe in Jesus will be given new eternal bodies and will be able to live forever on an earth which has all the wonders of the world today, but no sin or death. Before this happens, however, things are going to get nasty. Matthew 24 specifically speaks of the end times and what to expect. Matthew 24:6 - "You will hear of wars and rumors of wars." Think of Libia and Egypt. Some people are beginning to wonder if current problems in Libia will lead to a world war. This is only the beginning. Matthew 24:7b - "There will be famines and earthquakes in various places." In less than two years Chile, Haite, and now Japan has been hit with horrible earthquakes! This is no considence. The famine part has also taken place. Crops are failing in many countries. Several wheat crop failures, particularely in Russia, Australia, and Japan, have begun to affect food supplies world wide. With the recession in America, it may only be a matter of time before the entire world economy crashes. This will be a time of testing for mankind. This is the time when people will know for sure what they believe in. Some people like to say that all religions lead to heaven. This is not true. I want to point out that if you look at other religions, you will find that many are similar. Most religions believe in an afterlife. A great deal of religions believe in a Great Diety which created the world and mankind. The greatest example is the silimlarities between Islam and Christianity. Nearly everything Muslims and Christians believe in is exactly identical. There is just one drastic area where they differ: Jesus Christ. In all the world religions, there are only a very few which take the Son of God into account. Acts 4:12 states about Jesus, "There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we can be saved." What some people don't realize is that yes, they may be serving the same God, but if they reject his Son they are throwing away everything. Romans 5: 8 - "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." God gave His everything when Jesus died on the cross. Should He be expected to send a person to heaven if they refuse to accept this gift? After giving us His own Son and having people claim no such salvation exists, why should God be blamed for people going to hell? I want to adress this area as well. Many people ask why God sends people to hell if He loves them. God did not create mankind to send them to hell. He created man to worship Him and enjoy a peaceful world with no sin. Hell was created for the demons - the angels who turned against God. When people choose to turn away from God and Jesus, they join, even unknowingly, with the demonic forces. If a person does not turn to Jesus, they will follow those demonic forces right into an eternity of torment. As much as it's easier to pretend it doesn't exist, Hell is real. The books "23 minutes in Hell" and "A Day in Hell" give a brief explanation of what has really happened to people who died and returned to tell the story of their experiences. Nearing the end times, no one will be able to just say, 'I am a Christian' any longer. Christians and Israelites might be thrown in prison or killed for their faith, which means that one really has to mean it when they say they believe in Jesus. If they turn from Him during this time, then they probably never believed fully in God in the first place. During the end times, a false "Christ" will come (the Antichrist). Many verses in the new testament speak of this, but here I will mention the verse from Matthew 24:23-24. "During this time if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Christ!' or, 'There he is!' do not believe it. For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect" (elect meaning Christians). When Jesus comes, He won't come as a nice, quiet bringer of peace. 1 Thessalonians 4:16 - "For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first." When Jesus comes, no one is going to mistake it. Matthew 24: 30a - "At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn." How terrible it would be to realize when it's too late that you were wrong, and Jesus is real. Matthew 24: 30b-31 - "They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory. And He will send His angels with a loud trumpet call, they will gather His elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other." Jesus will return for those who believe in Him, and no one will be able to mistake His coming. 1 Thessalonians 4:17. "Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and we will always be with the Lord." For those who do believe in Jesus, a beautiful eternity is waiting. You see, heaven isn't made up of harps and sitting around doing nothing, nor is it one neverending church service. John says in Revelation 21:1, "Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away." Isaiah 65:17 - "I will create a new heaven and a new earth. Past things will not be remembered. They will not come to mind." That doesn't mean we won't have our memories. Many Christians who died and were miraculously brought to life again have spoken of their experiences in heaven. The first few chapters in "90 Minutes in Heaven" as well as the book "Heaven is For Real" are two books I would recommend you read for a couple of these testimonies. The people in the books met friends and family members who had died even centuries before, and yet they recognized them immediately. They remembered pasttimes and joys of their earthly life. You see, heaven and the new earth will be just like here, only without sin. I have no doubt that I will be making crafts and dolls, reading, gardening, listening to music, throwing parties, cooking, and riding horses throughout eternity. Believers will constantly be learning new things, so there is no possibility of getting bored. It's a hard thing for the mind to grasp because we cannot imagine a life where we don't tire of a pasttime or sit around with nothing to do. The best part of everything is that Jesus is there. People don't realize how amazing He is because they don't know much about Him. Even I have a hard time grasping why some Christians love Him so much. Jesus isn't just about love, peace, and joy, He is all of these things. He is love, justice, rightoussness, peace, light, hope, beauty, and everything good and lovely in this world. As C.S. Lewis said, though, Jesus "isn't a tame Lion." He is a King and a Judge, too. God has a rightous jealosy for his people. Winfrey Oprah once said she left her church after the pastor said God was jealous. What she didn't know was that there is such thing as rightous jealosy. If you found out your spouse, fiance, or significant other was seeing someone else after swearing their love to you alone, wouldn't you be angry? Wouldn't you feel that since you gave that person all your love, they should be giving you all their love in return and not handing it off to someone else? That's how God feels with mankind. We belong to Him; He paid for us with His blood. When we turn our backs on Him, He feels that same kind of burning anguish and betrayal that people feel when someone they love says 'it's over.' If God didn't feel a passion to take back the people who belonged to Him, what kind of God would He be? Through acts of love and discipline (good and terrible circumstances), God tried to bring mankind back to the realization that He loves them and they need to return to Him. Whether people ignore it or not is their own personal decision. By now some people may have simply exited my profile, but if you've read this far it might mean you are intrigued by what I have posted. If you want to learn more, I would advise you to get a Bible and read through these passages: Revelation: This will describe to you who Jesus is today (chapter 1), and what things to expect in the end times. John is the best place to start if you haven't read the Bible. This will tell of you Jesus' life and God's plan for salvation. Matthew 24 gives a description of the end times and the coming of Jesus. For specific verses, I would strongly suggest you start with: Romans 3:23 - "For ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." Romans 6: 23 - "For the penalty for sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 5: 8 - "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." John 3:16-19 - "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him (Jesus) will not die but live forever. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save it. He who believes in Him (Jesus) is not condemned, but he who does not believe is condemned already because he has not believed in the name of the Only Begotten Son of God. This is the charge: Light came into the world, but men loved darkness more than light because their deeds were evil." Romans 10:9 - "But if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and you believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." These are only a few verses. If you aren't sure if you are a Christian and you want to read more, I would advise this link http:///how-to-know-god/would-you-like-to-know-god-personally/index.htm. It explains things a lot better than I do. Really though, you need to get right with God. You never know when catastrophe will strike and thousands of people will die like in Japan. Things are reaching a climax, and you need to be sure you know which side you're taking; with Jesus, or against Him. Above all things, I would advise Christians and non Christians alike to start really reading God's word and getting involved in a church that is preparing for Jesus' coming. If you are a Christian, I would also advise the book "Placebo" by Howard Pittman. This gives a detailed description of why many Christians today do not seem to be able to find it in themselves to act according to God's commands. Christians are supposed to be different from the world, but not many in America are succeeding (Yours Truly included in many ways). This book really opened my eyes to things I never even realized existed. I would strongly reccomend you read this if you are a Christian. Better still is the book NOT A FAN by Kyle Idleman. This book changed my life. So anyways, thanks for looking at my profile! I hope this provided some new insight for you that you may not have thought of before. If you have further questions, feel free to send a message to me. Remember; no matter what happens, God is in control. Nothing will happen on the earth without His allowing it, ESPECIALLY concerning His people (believers in Jesus and the Israelites and Jews). If you turn to Him you will find that He will provide all the love and guidance you could ever have hoped for. He is the only person who will not turn from you or stop loving you. Remember, Jesus loves you, even if the whole world seems to have turned away |