Author has written 5 stories for Twilight. Hello, my name is Emily, and I like to pretend that I am a writer. I wear all black to work with highlighter orange Converse (just because I can.) I'm 24. My mom is my best friend. She also helps me tweak my stories before I post a new chapter. I credit her for the reason that Summer of '99 and All of Me have been turning out so well. She helps me make sure they make sense. I also spend way too much time with her, and spend an inordinate amount of time talking about her. Some would say to the point that it's creepy. Including her. I got my love of story telling from my grandfather. He use to tell me stories off the fly, whatever popped into his head he'd tell. My great-aunt is a writer, my mom's a writer, and other people in our family tree have been writers, or creative in other ways. It's actually kind of cool tracking things like this back, makes you feel connected to people that you never met. Yep, that's all I got. Happy reading! Original version of In Your Arms can be found here: |
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