Author has written 4 stories for Naruto, Hetalia - Axis Powers, and Amnesia: The Dark Descent. Hi. This is A-Mae-100. Sometimes I do things. *DISCLAIMER* This is a VERY VERY old account. I do not update here nor do I really intend to ever do so again. I have kept this account up for my own morbid amusement, and perhaps because I enjoy laughing at what my young teenager mind used to write. Take all of my stories with a grain of salt and a pinch of good humor as I wrote them over 5 years ago. It's been a lot of fun, but I don't think I'll ever go back to writing fanfiction of any kind. * Name: Amelie Gender: NB (Gender neutral) Sexuality: I like ladies, I'm not sure what you would call that since I'm non-binary Likes: Metal Gear: Solid, Animal Crossing, TF2, Bioshock, Left 4 Dead, Portal, Assassin's Creed, The Elder Scrolls, Legend of Zelda, Amnesia: The Dark Descent, Penumbra, Death Note, Naruto, Harry Potter Favorite Movie: Leon the Professional For starters, let me say a couple things: 1) I ALWAYS consider doing requests. As long as you ask nicely, AND I am familiar with the fandom, I will absolutely write any request story for you. 2) Character analysis and emotion are what I mostly write about. I WILL post smut, but usually only if it is requested or if I'm "in the mood" so to speak. Information about Requests and Trades: I love to do fanfiction trades and requests with anyone, however, please know that I might take quite a while for your request (or trade) to get posted. Of course, if it IS a trade, I will obviously try to get it posted faster. I just thought I would point out a couple of things. 1) I never have the drive to continue stories that get little reviews. If you actually like it, then please review, or I will think that it is a lost cause, and thus, it will be discontinued or deleted. 2) I don't write often. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE to write. It's my passion, my calling, I guess, but with all that is going on, I will warn you that it may take forever until I update or post my stories. If you really, REALLY want to contact me even after reading my dumb teenager trash, you can message me on tumblr: Tumblr: unhappy-walrus If you contact me on tumblr, let me know that you came from, that would make my day (and also make me scared to know what you think of me after reading my young teen ramblings) |
haraguro-tan (16) LxISxAxBABE (25) | Seiliez Wingalas (3) The sKapegoat (11) |