Author has written 5 stories for Supernatural, Boy Meets World, and Heroes. Hi everyone! My name is Annabeth and I will be your author this morning... Okay, yes I am insane :) My favorite shows consist of Supernatural, Buffy, Charmed and Angel (though not necessarily in that order.) Also, I am a big fan of 90's Shows, I truly believe that that was when television was at it's best. I am a HUMONGOUS Castiel/Dean shipper so any stories about Supernatural will most likely revolve around them. They are just soooo delicious together. Anyways here are my favorite pairings: Charmed: Piper/Leo Phoebe/Coop Paige/Henry Chris/Bianca Supernatural: Castiel/Dean Buffy: Buffy/Angel Xander/Anya Spike/Buffy Spike/Angel Willow/Tara Angel: Buffy/Angel Cordelia/Doyle Angel/Spike Wesley/Fred Boy Meets World: Cory/Shawn (They are so perfect for each other) Topanga/Cory Shawn/Angela Angela/Topanga And really, any combination of those four characters are fine with me. Eric/Jack Favorite Characters: Charmed: Chris!! (He is the best!! Excuse me while I have a fan-girl moment. sighs) Buffy: Buffy Angel Spike Angel: Buffy Angel Spike Cordelia Fred Lorne Connor Supernatural: Castiel (I LOVE HIM SOOOO MUCH!!) Dean Boy Meets World: Shawn! (He is my all time favorite) Jack Eric Brotherly Love: Joe Matt Andy Blossom: Joey Anthony Blossom Six |
oncethrown (27) |