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![]() Author has written 7 stories for Harry Potter, Screenplays, Twilight, Misc. Books, and iCarly. He died for me, so I live for Him. I thank God for everything He has given me, and I live my life for Jesus Christ. Yes, this is Maddie from TohruROX2221. I make this account because I want a place of my own to put my one shots, and not stories. Your HALO is your heart Your heart is big, warm, and sensitive. Compassion and empathy come naturally to you, and you know that ignoring pain and suffering doesn't make them go away. You recognize the humanity in everyone -- equality isn't just a word to you, it's a way of looking at every single person you come across. Two friends fighting 'cause they just can't see eye to eye? You can get them hugging. See a starving child in a magazine ad for an aid organization? There's no way you're going to just go on with your life and ignore it. The world needs people with heart like yours to help them connect with their own empathetic sides, and to remind them that someone cares when they feel invisible. a little note for 100 Reasons I Hate Twilight: you know why i wrote that? because just that day (the day i started to write it) at school i got bullied SO much by twihards. they have taken it too far...and at that point, the only critical thing i said was that i didn't like twilight. nothing else, just said that i didn't like twilight. i even said it politely: "sorry, it's just that i don't like twilight." they threatened me, bullied me, and sent me home in tears (and in a mess). and i DO NOT cry easily. that's how much they did. ever since twihards will NOT leave me alone. i got my hair pulled just for saying i'm "team dumbledore's army" (turns out, you WON'T avoid an argument by saying that, which i had been hoping to do). is it not enough i get teased because i'm "fat", "ugly", wear glasses, have braces, "single" (which i'm not; he goes to another school so people think i'm making him up), kind of a loner, pale, shy, incredibly smart (and i'm not gloating here, i've had my IQ tested), and diabetic? apparently not. apparently i have to get teased for hating twilight. so think before you call me out, okay? thanks. Banner for Bieber Baby: http:///bieber_baby/set?id=14299271 don't click it unless you know what's gonna happen? k thanks.. This is . . . an iCarly survey What's your favorite episode? iThink They Kissed Have you put any of the episodes of your iPod? Nope. My Internet on MY computer doesn't work, so I can't use the iTunes store. ): Who introduced you to the show? The commercials lol. Did you watch the sneak preview of the first episode when it came on TV? I might have, I don't remember. What do you predict for the characters in the future? Sam and Freddie will date and Carly will die an old cat lady. Lol. Who's your favorite character? Spencer or Sam. Who's your favorite girl? Sam Who's your favorite guy? Either Freddie or Spencer, I'd say. What's your favorite line from one of the episodes? You guys were...inside the pants? What's your favorite Seddie moment (other than the kiss)? I'd say when they were talking in iSaved Your Life (about bacon! Ahaha!) What's your favorite Spam moment? Everyone's probably said this, but when she taught him how to lie. What's your favorite moment between Carly & Sam? The convo about the letter q in iTwins What's your favorite argument between any of the characters? I'd have to think. What episode title is your favorite? iThink They Kissed Is this one of your favorite shows? Oh yeah. It's in the top five or so. Seddie or Creddie? Seddie. Opposites attract, and it's a repeating theme in the Schneider universe. Plus it sounds better. :p Season one or season two? Season two. Spam or Sam/Jonah? Sam/Jonah. Were you more excited for 'iGo To Japan' or 'iDate A Bad Boy' ? iDate A Bad Boy Are you more exicted for season two DVD's or 'iFight Shelby Marx' ? DVDs. 'iTwins' or 'iMust Have Locker 239' ? iTwins, but I didn't really expect it that way. Who do you want to see Freddie with: Carly or Sam? Sam. Sam or Carly? Sam. Carly or Freddie? Freddie. Sam or Spencer? I'm not sure. Spencer or Freddie? Freddie? (Sorry, Spence.) Jonah or Pete? Pete. Tureen or Wendy? Wendy. Sam or Freddie? Seddie! :D Granddad or Mrs. Benson? Mrs. Benson would make a cool old lady lol. Griffin or Jake? Griffin. Griffin or Freddie? Freddie. Carly or Spencer? Spencer. I really don't like Carly. Even though the series is about her. Ms. Briggs or Mr. Howard? Mr. Howard. Nevel or Mandy? Nevel. Nevel or Tureen? Nevel. Who’s the better guest star: Emmett the eating kid or Chuck the deliveryman with no personality? Chuck fo sho.(: The girls on the show or the guys on the show? The guys. How did you first hear about the movie events? Television, baby!(: Were you excited for iFight Shelby Marx? Nope. What do you think of the casting on the show? I would actually change the casting for Carly. Miranda's acting's okay, I just think that Carly seems like a 2 dimensional character. Do you watch it religiously? Pretty much. :p Do any of your friends watch it? Yes. Almost all of them. Do you think it will run a long time? I really hope so. What episode did you like Sam the best? iThink They Kissed or iTwins. I think that's a typical response. How about Freddie? iReunite With Missy. And what about Carly’s? iMake Sam Girlier or iWant My Website Back. Which character would you meet in person? Sam or Freddie. Which actress would you meet in person? Jennette McCurdy. Which actor would you meet in person? Nathan Kress. |