Author has written 29 stories for Mario, Shaun the Sheep, Professor Layton, Luigi's Mansion, Pokémon, Wreck-It Ralph, Super Smash Brothers, Kirby, and Shovel Knight.
What have I been up to lately?
Writing chapters for a multi-length Kirby story
Playing various Switch games
1Thunderfire at your service.
I'm still alive everyone! It's just hard to write given my lack of a proper writing space and work currently killing me. I really need a place of my own with an actual writing area if I hope to get some actual stories out. But I just want to say I haven't abandoned the site so I'm still around. :)
Special kudos to The Cosmic Penguin. Go check out her works. :)
Favourite game franchises:
Mario, specifically including Mario & Luigi and Paper Mario (but not Sticker Star or Colour Splash...)
Legend of Zelda
Super Smash Bros.
Favourite games (in no particular order):
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
Kirby: Planet Robobot
Super Mario Sunshine
Yoshi's Island
Sonic Adventure 2
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Xenoblade Chronicles
Luigi's Mansion
Gaming-related questions:
- What was the first gaming system (and game) I've ever owned?
The Game Boy Color with Pokémon Silver and a Sega Master System around the same time.
- If there was a game I'd love to own and play again, what would it be?
Jet Set Radio on the Dreamcast. That game's aged really well.
- What game would you like to play that you are currently unable to?
Cuphead. It looks amazing.
- What was the most disappointing game I have ever played?
Paper Mario: Sticker Star. Possibly one of the only times I used a walkthrough not because I was dreadfully stuck (though there were points in which I was very stuck) but just so I could get the game over with more quickly.
- What is my favourite gaming controller?
The good old GameCube controller. So ergonomic, so wonderful, especially those shoulder buttons.
- What kind of games would you like to see in future?
A Wario & Waluigi game would be especially cool. They could be saving the world from a demon they accidentally released but more importantly, getting their stolen treasure back from said demon and its minions by using unique combo moves. Also, a Kirby RPG would be truly magnificent, giving NPCs a voice and breathing new life into the franchise.