Author has written 10 stories for Bolt, Lion King, Pokémon, and My Little Pony.
Profile Last Updated: 31st May, 2013 (East Australian Time)
Online Alias: Australian Chaos
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Bio: Not much to say here; born and raised in south-east Australia, with a passion for writing, books, video games, and archery. Have plans and hopes of one day becoming an author, and these fan fictions are both to inspire ideas and keep my skills sharp.
Writing Status: "Memento Mori" is now on indefinite hiatus, thanks to a total lack of inspiration. But I have begun work on a sequel to "Magic in the Stars", currently titled "Shadows in the Past". Let's hope my muse can stick with this one!
Story Soundtracks
This is a list of songs (yes, orchestra and soundtrack songs, NOT lyrical songs) that I feel work well with certain elements of my stories. In essence, they are "mock soundtracks", complete with character themes, trailer themes (if I intend to make a "mock trailer" for the fic), and a credits theme song.
Track Number. Mock Track Title: "Real Track Title" by Track Artist (Track Album)
Bolt the Superdog: Origins
01. Origins Trailer Theme 1: "Return of the King" by X-Ray Dog (K-9 Empire)
02. Origins Trailer Theme 2: "Darkness and Light" by X-Ray Dog (K-9 Empire)
03. Bolt's Theme: "Superhero" by Immediate Music (Themes for Orchestra & Choir 3)
04. Penny's Theme: "Burning Religion" by X-Ray Dog (K-9 Empire)
05. Richard's Theme: "Across The World" by X-Ray Dog (Canis Rex - Volume 1)
06. Calico's Theme: "Dark Side of Power" by Immediate Music (Themes for Orchestra & Choir 3)
07. Mindy's Theme: "The Final Challenge" by X-Ray Dog (Canis Rex - Volume 1)
08. Mittens' Theme: "Rex Eternum" by Immediate Music (Themes for Orchestra & Choir 3)
09. Humble Origins: "Meet Bolt" by John Powell (Bolt Soundtrack)
10. Richard's Woe: "With Sympathy" by Steve Jablonsky (Gears of War 2 Soundtrack)
11. Super-Dog: "Bolt Transforms" by John Powell (Bolt Soundtrack)
12. The Mark/Family Tension: "D.C. Burning" by Lorne Balfe & Hans Zimmer (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Score)
13. Richard's Capture: "The Drink of Despair" by Nicholas Hooper (Harry Potter 6 Soundtrack)
14. Secrets in the Pet Store: "Infinite White" by Steve Jablonsky (Transformers 2 Score)
15. Silver City Highway: "A Fast Train" by John Powell (Bolt Soundtrack)
16. Highton: "New York" by John Powell (Bolt Soundtrack)
17. Destruction Zone: "Scooter Chase" by John Powell (Bolt Soundtrack)
18. The Shadow of Calico: "Meet Mittens" by John Powell (Bolt Soundtrack)
19. Keinton Gorge: "Fortune Teller" by Patrick Doyle (Eragon Soundtrack)
20. Empty Future/For What's Right: "Together" by Patrick Doyle (Eragon Soundtrack)
21. A Normal Afternoon: "Evacuating London" by Harry Gregson-Williams (Narnia 1 Soundtrack)
22. Shadow's Threat: "All Hell Breaks Loose" by Immediate Music (Themes for Orchestra & Choir)
23. Bolivia: "Scallop Pond" by X-Ray Dog (Canis Rex - Volume 2)
24. Torn Apart: "Death of Cedric" by Patrick Doyle (Harry Potter 4 Soundtrack)
25. Countdown: "Evacuation" by Trevor Rabin (Armageddon Complete Score)
26. "Your Chance": "Where Were You On St. Rhino's Day" by John Powell (Bolt Soundtrack)
27. Back to the Beach/Ambush: "The Wardrobe" by Harry Gregson-Williams (Narnia 1 Soundtrack)
28. Breaking of Wills: "Keep What you Steal" by Martin O'Donnell (Halo 3 Soundtrack)
29. Visions of the Past: "I Hear Voices" by X-Ray Dog (Canis Rex - Volume 2)
30. The Moster Within/Breakout: "Run Away" by Hans Zimmer (The Lion King Complete Score)
31. Bolt's Conflict: "Bumblebee Captured" by Steve Jablonsky (Transformers Score)
32. The White Shepherd: "War Path" by X-Ray Dog (*Unknown Album*)
33. Trial of Solitude: "Breath of Life" by Howard Shore (Lord of the Rings 2 Soundtrack)
34. Calico's Last Refuge: "The Maw" by Martin O'Donnell (Halo 1 Soundtrack)
35. Showdown With Marcus: "Rescuing Penny" by John Powell (Bolt Soundtrack)
36. The Underground River: "Voldemort" by Patrick Doyle (Harry Potter 4 Soundtrack)
37. Sacrifice: "Dumbledore's Farewell" by Nicholas Hooper (Harry Potter 6 Soundtrack)
38. Collapse/River Chase: "Snowmobile Chase" by Lorne Balfe & Hans Zimmer (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Score)
39. Over At Last/Friendly Farewell: "Birth of a Nation (Choir)" by Immediate Music (Themes for Orchestra & Choir)
40. Return Home: "House on Wheels" by John Powell (Bolt Soundtrack)
41. Origins Credits Theme: "Uprising" by Muse (The Resistance)