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Poll: Will Silver and Chibiyugixyami ever NOT torture Nick? Vote Now!
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Joined 08-31-09, id: 2068977, Profile Updated: 02-06-11
Author has written 1 story for Misc. Tv Shows.

Hey guys!!! It's finally happened!!!! Chibiyugixyami and Silvereyed Angel have finally gotten together to write a collab! And this is the account (because many more will probably follow) :-)/^-^

Check out both of our profiles:



BANNER for The Reality of Dreams: http:///art/The-Reality-of-Dreams-Banner-196470945

Hi guys!!! This is Chibiyu talking right now! I am so excited to be writing with Silver! We are best friends on this site and doing this with her is literally another dream come true! I hope you enjoy what we come up with!

And now I will turn it over to Silver.

Thank you, sweetheart! It is of great pleasure to me too that I now finally get to write and be creative with my sweet chibiyu.
I'm sure you'll absolutely adore us. (coughsarcasmcough) Because together, we're an unstoppable force of awesomeness!

no really, behold for the evilness that awaits.
It is our goal to bring more evil, angst, hurt and yes, even comfort to this site and especially the JONAS (la) fandom.
But besides that, we just like to play with stories, characters and plot-lines. We don't go the easy way and love to challenge ourselves and the other.
Thus, we promise to always bring you stories to the best of our abilities.
And don't worry, it's not just torture (though chibiyu likes her fair share of that, I will try my best to keep a hold on the wickedness)
we also like to write fantasy, sci-fi and other things that are just a little different from the (also nice) but more comon romance/friendship/happiness things.
Shortly said; we like to surprise. :) If you do too, please read on!

And its back to Chibi...I mean me again!!

Haha as Silver so rightly said, I like angst and torture but I am not evil. I love my fair share of hurt and comfort. Mainly the comfort part but I am not a huge fan of romance.
Despite popular belief, I love Nick, I really do, but I love torturing him too. Sorry Nicholas.
Ok I have to go now!


The Reality of Dreams reviews
Three brothers; three keys: one fate. They thought themselves only children. That is, until a deadly secret altered their realities. They find that the dreams that make you, can just as easily break you. "Dreams aren't fiction, not anymore." - Jonas - Collab between Silvereye Angel and Chibiyugixyami
Misc. Tv Shows - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Angst - Chapters: 14 - Words: 67,787 - Reviews: 35 - Favs: 8 - Follows: 9 - Updated: 9/11/2012 - Published: 8/23/2010