![]() Author has written 8 stories for X-Files, Tomb Raider, Rizzoli & Isles, Xena: Warrior Princess, House, M.D., and Fairy Tales. Former media student now in proper grown-up media-ish job who regularly diverts herself from far less entertaining job-related writing with a dose of femslash. I also have a LiveJournal profile: http:/// So if you don't find a particular story here, then try one of my other profiles. English is not my first language, so please bear with minor flaws - or point them out to me so that I might improve:) FAVOURITE CHARACTERS/PAIRINGS: Dana Scully remains my femslash muse no. 1... Feel free to blame the nostalgic romantic within me:) I wouldn't go so far as to credit the engimatic redhead with my coming out as a lesbian, but she certainly helped the process along. Xena/Gabrielle, mothers of femslash. I'm going to ignore fandom tradition and not call it altfic, because honestly, we all know what went on between the two off screen. Nothing alt about the fanfic that brings it to light. Rizzoli/Isles, the Xena/Gabrielle of our time... Another petite, quirky, sunny blonde and a tall, dark, beauty with a butch attitude. This seems to be an archetypal lesbian constellation in fiction. Think TiBette or think the heroines of the first lesbian sci-fi novel from 1906 (http:///5847805/the-first-lesbian-science-fiction-novel-published-in-1906) Olivia Dunham from Fringe. She is, in a way, Mulder AND Scully rolled into one. Of course, with such a larger than life lead you have to bring in guests from other shows to create femslash. Quinn/Rachel from Glee. And that would be Quinn minus the most ghastly character discontinuities on the show... (I'm looking at you, Lucy Caboosey, and if I close my eyes the pink hair goes away - even if it is kind of hot.) Izzie/Addison from Grey's Anatomy. That would be Izzie before her character had an off-screen lobotomy (the only thing that might explain character discontinuity like that! I mean, seriously - she performed first aid on a deer!) around season 3. Hermione Granger, because let's face it, she's the gorgeous girl geek we always wish we'd known in those difficult early teens. I'm sure she reads/writes fan fiction herself when no one's looking. Dr. Mike Quinn. Yes, watching Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman is a guilty pleasure of mine... which presents me with a difficult fan fiction dilemma: I'm pretty much a femslash only kind of woman and would love to read about Dr. Quinn in such a context, but I also consider her and Sully an OTP. But maybe their youngest daughter could turn out to be gay? Please, pick up the prompt out there, and I'll be all over your story! :) Barbara Gordon aka. Oracle. Again, I choose to ignore certain storylines, namely the ones taking place after her recent miraculous healing. I liked having a handicapable superheroin, as Sue Sylvester would put it. There might not be too much room for diversity out in the real world, but at least DC offered some for a while. Now I'm counting on fan fic writers to supply it. |