DILF Contest
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Poll: Vote for your FIVE favorite entries in the D.I.L.F. contest. There will be 3 public voting winners, 1st, 2nd & 3rd. 4 individual judge's awards. Good luck! Vote Now!
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Joined 08-22-09, id: 2057730, Profile Updated: 10-13-09

First, I'd like to thank every single person that entered, from the seasoned writers to the freshman authors that chose this contest to get their feet wet. I was expecting a handful of entries, not over forty.

So, for that I am grateful.

A huge thank you to everyone that voted, and especially to the judges who agreed to help, the fantastically delightful Pippapear, Gemmabobella the sweetheart extraordinaire and the glorious and lovely LolaShoes.

The public vote winners are as follows, a huge thank you to Hope aka Manyfandom for helping my technotarded ass by making all the banners. Thank you Hopey.

Without anymore rambling from me I give you the D.I.L.F. winners.

Public Voting Winners

1st Place with 209 Votes "Stitches in Time" by EricasTwilight & Lisa89

2nd Place with 205 Votes "Only You Can Save Me" by Kyla713

3rd Place with 204 Votes "Unplanned" by Jennde

4th Place with 192 Votes "Moths to a Flame" by Nan McCullen

5th Place with 180 Votes "Rings & Porch Swings" by FiberKitty

Judges Winners

Gemma's choice for #1 D.I.L.F "Unplanned" by Jennde

Emmy's choice for #1 D.I.L.F. "Only You Can Save Me" by Kyla713

Lola's Choice for #1 D.I.L.F. "Settling" by TheLadyintheGrey42

Ninapolitan's Winners

So, here's the thing. I couldn't pick one winner for my choice. Since it is technically my contest I decided to pick four winners though honestly? I'd pick them all.

I'll preface the first winner with the following explanation. I don't read AU where the vamps cheat on each other or are non-canon. Apparently, I'm a blazing hypocrite when it comes to one-shots because the following I read twice and seriously went cross-eyed. Yeah, Nina liked it that fucking much. Fucking Hot Bitch gets me every time!

Nina's choice for D.I.L.F. story that goes against everything I read (though I'll say I enjoyed this tremendously)

"The Hummer" by Marbarberella

Jesus, Mary, Joseph and Ringo. You know a story is good when you've got to go back and read it again because you're CONVINCED you missed the fucking breadcrumb clues that had to have been left. Yeah, she left no clues. She crafted this fucking gem so well that it stumped EVERYONE that read it. Good on you babes.

Nina's choice for D.I.L.F. story that shocked the ever loving shit out of me

"The Nutcracker Suite" by qjmom

It's not that I hate Esme, okay yes it is. I hate her. Only because she gets to bone Carlisle. Fuck off. That being said, it takes A LOT for me to tolerate her in a story that doesn't have her resting peacefully in dust form in a fucking urn. Congrats AddisonJ, you've succeeded in not only not making me hate her, but actually like the character. IN THIS ONE SHOT ONLY.

Nina's choice for D.I.L.F. story that made me not hate Esme (which is an EXTREMELY hard thing to accomplish)

The Best Worst First Date Ever by AddisonJ

Sooooo, funny story about the following one-shot. Much like I have the (now defunct bullshit) rule about AU non-canon, Algie has a rule as well that she even listed in her profile. Well, my love for Algie knows no bounds because not only did she break a rule for me, but she also got flamed for it via cunty (Yes Lola, it is a real word) review. So for that, I humbly thankee Algie my love for Wood.

Nina's choice for D.I.L.F. author that went out of their comfort zone to write me something hot.

"Wood" by Algonquinrt

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Community: The Twilight D.I.L.F. Contest
Focus: Books Twilight