Author has written 4 stories for Breath of Fire, Ranma, Fable, and Sonic the Hedgehog. Hello Fanfiction, I am Reviewer1673. As you may be able to tell from my name, I prefer reviewing stories rather than writing them; however, if I feel like writing a story I shall. Also, I thought you should know about the way I review. I am a positive reviewer, but I will let someone know if they are doing a bad job. I have a life, so I will not be able to review everything, but I will review what I can. You may request a review from me if you wish, and I will an honest answer. My main interest is Sonic the Hedgehog, but I still will try to review other stories. You know, I should have posted this describtion about myself when I started on this site. Oh well. Farewell, and may the writing be with you. (Yes, I know it's a Star Wars line with a different word in there.) |