![]() Author has written 1 story for Wrestling. Hi there isn't much to me but i'll tell you as much as i can i guess well what can i say I have Chocolate Brown Hair and Brown eyes i'm 16 years old and my birthday is on the 4th of June I'm tall and alot of friends and family tell me i'm mature for my age I love dancing,surfing,playing games going out with friends and ofcourse shopping I'm very, very loyal to friends and i hate people who are racist and judge other people by gender or sexuality hmm well thats pretty much all that i have to say oh and one of my best friends "minnikat6" is on here she is an awsome writer so if your into slash read her fics Favorite Pairings: John Cena/Randy Orton -This is my fave ever pairing i love these two sooo much they just work really well with each other they have chemestry and i'm loving it! there aint words to describe how hot these two are!. Adam/Randy Orton-My second favourite pairing well actually they are bothe equally loved but yeah anyways I really love these two they are sooo sexy together and i just can picture these two together it just works for me i guess haha Adam/Jeff Randy Orton/Jeff Triple H/Randy Orton Matt/Jeff Hardy Raven/Jeff Triple H/Jeff Hardy Raven/Chris Jericho etc... Fave wwe superstar/s: Randy Orton(OHH FUCK YES!),John Cena(Double Fuck! XD), Christian, Edge, Jeff Hardy, Triple H, Undertaker, Raven, etc. Fave wwe diva/s: Michelle McCool, Candice Michelle, Maryse Oullet Diva's I hate: The Bella Slutz (well i think they r slutz DUH!), Maria (crap wreslter,crap vallet,crap everything just leave Maria bring back the good wrestlers), I hate everybody except the ones that r written as faves lol Fave past wwe diva/s: Lita, Trish Stratus, Sable, Torrie Wilson, Stacy Keibler all the divas who could wrestle the divas from this era were greate unlike the ones from now. Fave tna superstar/s: Aj Styles, Chris Sabin, Sting, Kevin Nash, Alex Shelly, Raven, Stevie Richards, Beer Money Inc.,Eric Young Fave tna knockout/s: Daffney, Victoria, Taylor Wilde, Roxxie, ODB nahh but seriously i hate people who do that especially ones who don't even write fanfics themselves they should get off thier high horses and start writing see if it's sooo easy to talk after that. and if you don't like what i say stop reading press the back button and leave sorry but this is me and if you don't like it well i can't do nothing about it so bye bye :) oh and p.s do not EVER...EVVVVVVVVVEEEEERRR FLAME ME OR LEAVE HATE COMMENTSS or i'll have to come over there and BEAT YOUR CANDY ASSES GOT IT??Favorite Quotes! "Quick! To the Huri-Cave!" -The Hurricane "Come on! That was totally Chair-o-licous!" -Edge "Kazoos RULE!" -Christian "I got my Hurri-Powers, bitch!" - The Hurricane "Holy shit! You crapped a masterpiece!" -Shawn Michaels "You just got Obama'd! Do you feel the McPain?" - Miz and Morrison "If Santa came to the palace of wisdom, we'd hit him with candy canes," -John Morrison "What's This?" -Trish Stratus "Trish, she's got a paddle," -Jeff Hardy "Paddle this bitch!" -Trish Stratus "Life sucks...And then you die!!" -Vince McMahon "You look like a lucky charm leprechaun tree!" -Elliott "The girls get hungry for peanut butter and Johnny." -John Morrison"That's what people do. They look at me... and they like what they see!!" -John Morrison You know when you're a WWF/WWE Fan if...: 1) You KNOW what The Rock is COOKING! 2) You get an A on assignment and you announce that your having a live sex celebration in class next week. 3) You do the 'Flair Strut' while yelling "WOOOO!" at the same time. 4) You know how to do the Jeff Hardy entrance dance. 5) When you arrive in a place you've been to before and you pause and you proclaim "FINALLY, (YOUR NAME) HAS COME BACK TO (LOCATION)!" 6) When you introduce yourself to someone you repeat your last name 10 seconds later. 7) The sledge hammer is your new best friend. 8) When your friend asks for money you yell: "IT'S ALL ABOUT THE MONAYYY!" 9) On your resume you write "I'm the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be". 10) When you hear WWF these days, you have a sudden, uncontrollable hatred of pandas. 11) Or when you’re talking to your friend and she/he interrupts you, you yell (just like Vince McMahon): SHHUUTTTT UUUPPP!! 12) You turn off the lights because no one respects you. 13) You know that Edge is PG-13. 14) You've watched Doom and the Marine and Behind Enemy Line III: Columbia. 15) You know someone who deserves a 'Billion Dollar Slap' by Stephanie McMahon. 16) You're favorite quote is: "Are you ready?" 17) You know three ways to use a table, a ladder, and a chair. 18) When you see a rooster you think of Vince McMahon. 19) You lie, cheat, and steal. 20) You actually called/texted your friends, taken a photo, or a video when Chris Jericho returned in 2007. (A/N: Did any of you did that?) 21) You think JBL is a wrestling fraud. 22) You like to sing "Sexy Boy" at the top of your lungs whenever Shawn Michaels comes on the TV. 23) You refer a can of beer as a can of Whoop Ass. 24) You know someone who deserves a Stone Cold Stunner. 25) You sing your favorite superstar's theme song at a live event. 26) When you go to a wedding, you hope that a WWE superstar crashes it. 27) You want to send a bill of your hearing to Vickie Guerrero due to her shrill screams. 28) When you hear the song 'Sexyback' you think of Chris Jericho. 29) You have the urge to park your car underneath Vickie Guerrero's granny panties. 30) You try to roll your eyes back like the Undertaker. 31) You have a sock named, Mr. Socko. 32) You're in love with a WWE Superstar. 33) You're ALWAYS busy on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday nights. 34) When a countdown starts, you yell "BREAK THE WALLS DOWN!" when it hits zero. 35) You tried to use Simon Dean's weight loss program. 36) You can name more wrestlers then family members. 37) You answer every question asked of you with "Cuz Stone Cold said so" 38) You know there are actually 9 wonders of the world, not 7. 39) When you were young, all the kids in your class couldn't wait to go home and watch power rangers...you couldn’t wait to get home & countdown the hours till wrestling. 40) You get sad when they announce where the next Wrestlemania is. 41) When you know three ways to use the following: A Table, A Ladder, and a Chair. 42) You beat down your grandparents and call yourself a Legend Killer. 43) You chanted 'Yay' 'Boo' at a event. 44) You get depressed when your favorite superstar is injured. 45) You wondered why Chris Jericho stopped wearing pants. (Why the hell did he do that?) 46) You have a room dedicated to anything pertaining to wrestling(or the WWE) in your home. |