![]() Author has written 2 stories for X-Men, Inuyasha, Buffy X-overs, and Naruto. Age: 27 Gender: Female Location: Somewhere in the U.S. Likes: Friends, Anime, Manga, Ghost Hunters, Fan-fiction, Fan-art, Art in general, School, Family, Those who know the meaning of creative critique, and yes; I even like yaoi pairings! My favorite being SasuNaru. However I know it's not for everyone. So that being said if I DO write any, I will put it in the summery so if someone doesn't want to read it, they don't have to. Dislikes: Idiots, Jerks, Flamers, Native English speakers who can't be bothered to even use spell and grammar check, those who type all in caps (I can't even read those stories.. I get a huge headache), beets, spiders, and guns. A fact to keep a note of. I will never, EVER write a lemon for this site. The main reason is because of all of the CHILDREN who frequent this place; you know many of them don't pay attention to the ratings and read the stuff they shouldn't anyhow. So while there may be violence, and rather colorful language in my stories, I won't include smut. There is a site for that, anyhow. So if I was to ever consider writing lemons, it would go there, and not here. At most I would allude to the fact of something that may happen, but yeah. That's about it. 09.24.07 Alrighty, well it's been awhile since I've updated my profile, so here it goes. At the moment I'm a single mother, a sibling that both sisters heavily rely on, and a college student all rolled up into one. So as you can imagine, I'm a rather busy person. Which means I can't always update anything on a timely manner. But I will finish anything I start, eventually. Though until I get MY computer back in a few days (it's getting a repair done), I really can't do anything, as all of my files, and programs, are on it. I'm currently using a friend's who doesn't even have word on this one. Ugh. I almost had a beta-reader, and I sent her quite a bit of my stuff to go through. However I've not heard from her in quite some time, and I never got anything back. So that position is still open to someone who is good at grammar, spelling, and doesn't mind me bouncing ideas off of them occasionally. If interested, please send me a note, and I will tell you how to contact me via yahoo, or aim. Other websites I can be found at: http:/// (Currently working on it, offline. I plan to have it up by the end of the year, at the latest) http:/// (You can't see much unless you're in my friends list.) http:/// (Will eventually become mainly a fan-art, site) Story Updates: Angelus Reborn - This is the first story I've started, and quite frankly, there are points annoying me, that I want to change. On top of that my writing style has also changed. So I've begun a re-write. The storyline and plot will still be the same, but the writing will flow differently, and I plan to flesh it out as much as possible. A few things in the story thus far, might change, but nothing major, really. Mission Of The Ages - I've been working on the latest chapter. A good portion of it IS done, I'm just not entirely sure how I want it to begin. I'll likely have that worked out shortly after I get my computer back from the shop. And then I'll go over it to look for mistakes, inconsistencies, etc. Plot bunnies in the making - Please let me know if any of you are interested in me eventually writing these out, please keep in mind I usually come up with these in my sleep: Plot Bunny 1 - Naruto has to leave Konoha for his own safety thanks to the council, with Jiraiya's help. Jiraiya sends him off to Japan. Later on after Tsunade's retired, she and Jiraiya plan to find Naruto to stay with him, and along the way they find a half-dead Sasuke who was trying to make it back to Konoha to see his best friend at least one last time (as he expects to be executed) and to apologize. The two decide to take him with them. Eventually they find Naruto, however he is now better known as Gackt, the musician and singer. O.o (I get the weirdest ideas sometimes) Possible SasuNaru, not sure yet. Plot Bunny 2 - AU, Female Naruto. When Naruto was three, her mother ran off with her to the US leaving her father, Minato, and elder brother, Deidara behind. Around the age of five or six, her mother was murdered, and all law enforcement can find out is her name was Naruto Uzumaki (as her mother was going by her maiden name and taught it, and her birthdate to her) and her mother's name was "Mommy." No identification for either was found, and they didn't know she was a missing person in Japan, so she goes into foster care, which wasn't a pleasant place for her. Years later, she's legally emancipated, and lives above her work place which is a gym where they teach acrobatics, martial arts, and parkour. Others who live there are Kisame, Kotetsu, Izumo, Genma, and Pein. When Itachi goes to visit his long time friend Kisame, he brings with him Sasuke, Konan, and Deidara. Deidara of course recognizes both his sister's name, and mother's maiden name, and well things go from there. More plot bunnies will be put out once I find my notebook that's filled with them. I may also eventually add a section on Japanese customs and cultures eventually as so many stories are embedded with stuff that is often somewhat incorrect. |