Author has written 11 stories for Harry Potter, and Song of the Lioness. Okay, I'm fifteen (just recently! yay!) and love Harry Potter, Tamora Pierce's series, and pretty much anything fantasy. I also consider myself to be a bit of an artist and musician, but that's irrelevant here, isn't it? Oh, and I just got a site since the old one kind of deleted itself on me, for whatever reason. I've got all my fanfiction posted there as well as a few (keyword being "few") pictures of characters. Please go visit and sign the guestbook...Right, well please read my stuff and do let me know what you think in your reviews, okay? Okay.Oh, and the picture there to the left (well, it should show up soon, anyway...) is my little elf-person who has Sarah McLachlan's hair, but purple, according to my sister. Dunno...From a faerie story I'm writing. |