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![]() Author has written 5 stories for Gakuen Alice, Shugo Chara!, and Matantei Loki Ragnarok. Sorry to the readers, I am having massive writers block so... Hontoni Gommenasai, I'm afraid that I might not be able to Update anymore And if I'm ever making anymore fics, they'll be all one-shots (but the word count will be higher than 1000 though, I hate short fics) Hi Im Ana, Im 13 years old and I absolutely love Anime/Manga/Fan Fic's I guess I can be called an Otaku because I love Anime and etc. Manga's I Like: (Not in Order) Gakuen Alice, xxxHolic, Kitchen Princess, Tokyo Mew Mew, Matantei Loki Ragnarok, Full Moon wo Sagashite, Family Complex,The Day of Revolution, Katekyo Hitman Reborn Favorite Anime's (Bold means I Love it) Katekyou Hitman Reborn Favorite KHR Pairings Bel X Fran I'm not really in to these things, but here's something I want to answer. Here's a little test for you to find out if your OC is a Mary Sue: If you answered "yes" to 3/4 or more of these questions, then your OC truly is a Mary Sue. 1. Is their name in Japanese and/ or is it really long? Well, She has a japanese name, but not long. She also has an English one (not long) But that is still a Yes 2. Does a canon character easily fall in love with them? I Dont make canon characters fall in love with her, amused a bit yes, but no strong feelings.. So that's a No 3. Is everyone fond of them? Definitely not, most wants to kill her, but she's easy to get along with (when not in a grumpy mood). So that is a No 4. Do they have more perfections than flaws? Well... she is a God (a norse one) so... no, she's more an outcast... and she's weird, so the answer is Null (No answer) 5. Are they more powerful than most of the canon characters? Again, she's a God and a warrior, so I have to say Yes (Unless the Anime/Manga has Gods in them) but she does pay (by sleeping REALLY long periods of time whenever she overuses them) so can that be a null? 6. Does every person of the opposite gender think they're cute/ hot/ pretty? Not every, she is pretty, but a simple normal one (Kinda Like...Ichigo? from TMM before she met Aoyama/Ryou/Kish) 7. Are they constantly described in your story as "wonderful/ gorgeous/ beautiful/ swift/ the best"? No. Pretty I guess, sometimes, but not constantly (and I dont often use her in stories, only in Talk Shows as my co-host. When I do use her (anywhere)... she's more described as scary) 8. Do they have more than just a couple talents/ powers? OF COURSE!! SHE'S A GOD. Does that count? I guess. (sigh) Yes 9. Do they have some sob story on how their parents died and how growing up was miserable? Uhm... she killed her parents (with the help of her brothers) when she was young... and she's being tracked down by a possesed really strong/crazy brother of hers. But she didnt have a hard life (it was normal). So Null 10. Do they have great hair, beautiful eyes, awesome body, and a supposed "great personality"? She has Blond hair, Emerald Green eyes, flat chested and lean (as in normal thin) body and she's Bipolar or Schizophrenic. When in a bad mood, her looks could kill, when in a kilig mood, she acts really weird, she can also be calm and nice when she's peacefull, but she can also be snarky and mischievous. Is that a yes or a no? Null DAMN she's still a Mary Sue. AND ITS BECAUSE SHE'S A GOD!! Oh well... Arigatou Gozaimasu for checking my profile minna-san ja na XD |