![]() Author has written 1 story for Lord of the Rings. I was a member of this site a long time ago and published several stories, but in 2010 I found that my writing had dwindled until I wrote nothing creative of my own volition. Though I'm beginning a new graduate program, I decided that I just couldn't let this old joy of my completely die. I have decided to re-write a story that I have previously written here in a, hopefully, better fashion. It is an exercise in reminding myself what I love so much about writing. Thank you for joining me in this journey! Things about me: I love turbulence, Bollywood movies, heavy rain against my windowsill, haunting poetry, foggy mornings, bright blue cloudless skies on a bitterly cold day, the smell of old books, Thai red curry with bamboo shoots, the exaggerated vowels of Swedish, and arguing about social theory over a (few) pint(s) of beer. In case you were wondering. Currently Reading: Arabian Nights LIGHT BEARER UPDATES July 16 2015 - Wow, it's been ... years. Life really gets away from you. I never meant to abandon TLB, but work and graduate school eventually got in my way. I'm looking forward to jumping back into my writing with as much fervor as I did when I began TLB over four years ago! |