Author has written 4 stories for Twilight. Heyy, it's Martha ! For anyone that's interested, Martha is just my pen name. I got it from an episode of Whose Line is it Anyways, where Collin said, "we'll back back to the production 'Martha the Anorexic Ephalent' in just a minute". I thought it was quite funny... and he said ephalent, not elephant. Hahahaha, it's a great show, you should check it out on Youtube or in one of the groups on Facebook if you haven't already. It's too bad they stopped airing... A little about me... UPDATES... October 7th Update Well, I haven't updated since forever. But I apologize. I swear I'll try to update my stories from now on... anyways, I felt like updating this cause it seemed a little... not updated. Well then. Anyways, I am updating again, and Angels on the Moon should be updated every weekend from now on. Don't hate me if I don't, cause I swear I'm trying! As always, I love all my faithful reviewers and readers. It's reviews that really make me want to update faster! Sacrifice is doing pretty well, and I really appreciate that I'm still getting reviews from that - it took a lot of time to write, and it's one of my favorites. If I ever get caught up in writing AOTM, there'll be a sequel. Thanks to everyone who's reading! January 24th Update (Breaking Dawn spoilers ahead) I'm new here, but I have a few ideas for my first few fanfictions. I love Twilight, so I'll be sticking to that for now. I can't wait to get my first chapter posted, but I've been kindof busy lately so I haven't been able to finish it. It has something to do with Breaking Dawn... I hope you guys will like it ! I'm quite aware that no one will be reading this because I'm new, and I haven't even started a story yet, let alone a popular one. But if you do, then congratulations! Yippee Doo-Dah Day! You're probably the first... and only. If anyone reading this (which there probably won't be), I am still looking for a Beta Reader. Hopefully one that's good with grammar and can spell... english is one of my favorite subjects and I'm good at it, so I hope they'll be able to keep up. I won't be able to add my first chapter of my first fanfic for another while yet. It's exams week, starting the 26th, and so I'll be studying till then. But, maybe, I'll be able to work on it for a break from studying? I don't know. And, speaking of the fanfic... Time for some information about my first fanfic. I've only been reading fanfics on here for a few weeks, and I haven't seen any that are my idea yet. So if someone has the same idea, or the same story, I am extremely sorry. I don't think it's been done, but it's not a very impressive idea, so you never know. The fanfic is based on Breaking Dawn... so I'm sure that narrows it down for anyone that's guessing. I'll be doing... something... (it would give it away, and I don't want anyone to take my idea) and I'll be changing a few of the events in the book that I didn't like, or that I didn't think were very good or described very well (don't worry, no Isle Esme scenes...) The title for my story is also the title of a song. I thought that the song had a lot to do with the relationship between Edward and Bella, and... some other things. So, here it is... the title. (More info will be posted on the title soon, along with a very long description of how I came up with it. There are a few other songs that really reminded me of the book, and I will list them too, and mention them when I get that far in the fanfic). ANGELS ON THE MOON! I love that song. It is written by Thriving Ivory. I suggest you listen to it immediately if you haven't heard it before, because it's brilliant !! Angels On the Moon - Thriving Ivory Here are a few more songs that I think belong in Breaking Dawn (and I absolutely adore!) Save You - Simple Plan Video Link - Fall For You - Secondhand Serenade The Scientist - Coldplay (also on Stephenie Meyer's playlist) Save You - when Edward is changing Bella, I can picture him vampire-crying while keeping her heart beating and this chorus playing in the background. Fall For You - when they are dancing at the wedding, looking into each others eyes, once again, in the background. The Scientist - in Jacob's perspective - when Jacob is running away from Bella after talking to her at the wedding, what he says and is thinking. Also, this works well with when Edward is leaving Bella early in New Moon (it's in the New Moon playlist on Stephenie's webpage). |