![]() Author has written 8 stories for Naruto, and Misc. Movies. New reader New writer New fanfictioner New watcher New ton (ahaha...) New broken heater (Well old heater, newly broken) New reviews from lovely new readers? (If I had a genie) New confusing profile! (Applause) http:///forum/writers/prompt-me-words-phrases-and-images-to-help-you-write/t.12405129/ I think this is the most helpful writing prompt place EVER. 'It's freezing in the living room, but she shakes out her wet hair and goes in anyways, wondering vaguely what her hair would look like frosted (and then laughing at how she's completely stuck in the 90's).' 'To end this entry, Mrs. Carmichael might kill me, simply thinking of greasy hair makes me paranoid, I feel uncomfortable telling even my girlfriend about this, and I am a wimpy college drama queen. But hey, "A boy's story is the best that is ever told". Dickens, bitches! ~Signed, Colin' |