Author has written 2 stories for Sailor Moon. I'm a college student who just likes to write. I've been writing stories since I I've always been afraid that no one would like them. college life means new experiences and so here are the stories_~ I really do hope all of you enjoy them. I center mainly on Rei and Jadeite, but if everyone likes the way I write, I will be glad to try my hand at any other couple. I really enjoy writing about Generals and Senshi...and I do like Nephrite and Makoto, so maybe I'll do one of those stories in the future. But I absolutely LOVE REI AND JED! At any my stories, please! I'll do my best to update as soon as I am able. That's all for now! E-mail me! Oh yeah...REVIEW PLEASE! I love them...let's me know I'm loved. _~ Ja ne! ~Lady Hino |