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Joined 01-13-09, id: 1803495, Profile Updated: 01-13-09
Author has written 1 story for iCarly.

yo there fanfiction peoples.

welll, my name is taylor and i am almost fifteen years old.

apparently i am a complete blonde so get used to it, because i'm the weirdest person ever. ;)

hmm... well i completely love my friends and would totally kick someone's butt if they missed with my friends or my family.

i have a distinguished portfolio in writing and i love to write, so you'll probably see more than a few fanfics coming from me. but i do have a life, so there may only be one update every three or four days.

anyway, these are some of my favorites:


The Secret Life Of The American Teenager.

Gossip Girl.




Twilight Series.

What If... Series.

Harry Potter Series.


Harry Potter.


Camp Rock.

High School Musical 1 & 2 & 3.

Another Cinderella Story.

Bring It On: In It To Win It.


Taylor Swift.

Carrie Underwood.

Demi Lovato.


Tim McGraw.

Trace Adkins.

Avril Lavigne.

The Strange Familiar.

Jordin Sparks.

Chris Brown.

Katelyn Tarver.

The Jonas Brothers.

Katy Perry.

well maybe i should give you a idea about what ships my fanfics will probably hold. so here are my favorite ships, and reasons i don't like the other ones...

The Secret Life Of The American Teenager -


AMY/RICKY. i dunno they are just adorable together to me and shailene and daren have alot of chemistry on screen.

GRACE/JACK. i don't know.. i can't really seem to like her paired with anyone else.


RICKY/GRACE. need i say more? she should know better than to be with ricky of all people. i mean he's just going to lead her on, sleep with her, and drop her. not much of a relationship to me. plus, grace annoys me and this ship is just pointless.

ADRIAN/RICKY. yeah. adrian needs someone stable. not someone like ricky who would walk out on her as soon as he found a pretty girl. plus i just clearly dislike this pairing.

AMY/BEN. okay, this ship really bugs me. maybe it's just because i really dislike ben as a character. i mean he is just not relatable. i don't know many guys would seriously try to marry their girlfriend behind their parents back while she is pregnant with another guys baby. plus he is just way too clingy for my taste and he is putting more stress on amy than she already has.

JACK/ALICE. one word. ew.

ASHLEY/HENRIE. to much of a age difference for me, i guess. i know it's only two years but it's just kind of creepy that she is barely a teenager and not even in high school yet and he likes her...

Gossip Girl -


BLAIR/CHUCK. c'mon. who can't love them together? they have so much chemistry and are just the ideal example of a love/hate relationship. their reluctance towards their feelings for each other is adorable. plus the way blair has been comforting chuck lately as made me go "awee." multiple times. no doubt blair and chuck is one of my most favorite pairings ever.

DAN/SERENA. their cute. although dan annoys me at times. i couldn't picture them both with anyone else. even if they do both share a half-sibling.

NATE/JENNY. say what you want, but i thought they were adorable together. taylor momsen is such a cutie pie that i think she'll look good with anyone. but along with chace crawford, thats like heaven. plus they had chemistry, despite the age difference between chace and taylor.

ERIK/JENNY. i know that he is supposedly gay and all. but him and jenny have like tons of on-screen chemistry together. before his character came out of the closet, i was rooting for him to get with jenny. but either way their friendship is adorable.

DAN/BLAIR. they are okay. although i prefer chuck for blair. but if he was out of the picture dan and blair would be cute. it would be cool, since she insults him all the time and i'm a sucker for love/hate relationships.


VANESSA/ANYONE. okay jessica is a great actress in all but i just really dislike vanessa's character. she doesn't have chemistry with anyone in my opinion.

NATE/BLAIR. idk, they just seem to much of a trophy couple to me. to perfect, it's unreal. and totally non-desirable. that ship is like no fun. unless it's facing off against a stronger blair/chuck.

SERENA/NATE. idk. i just really hate them together.



SAM/FREDDIE. mmkay, this is like the cutest pairing ever. jennette and nathan have so much chemistry that it is actually kind of funny, since their characters of the show started off hating each other. with so much chemistry there it's kind of hard not to think they are cute. plus the way they bicker and argue just fuels the adorableness more. it's the classic love/hate relationship and you can expect most of my roleplays to be about them. i'm rooting for them to end up together, and i literally like squealed and feel out of my chair when they kissed.


CARLY/SAM. okay, i have nothing against gay couples. in fact i loved south of nowhere when it was running, so don't even try to pull the homophobic crap on me. it's just a see no chemistry there, i mean. even with hannah montana, there is apparent chemistry between miley and lilly. but carly and sam... nothing. it's just a ship i have never been able to really get into i guess.

SPENCER/SAM. ew. that's like illegal people. she's fourteen and he's like twenty-six. twelve years... wow. even when they got older... that would be really weird. i mean i see them as having more of a sister/brother type of relationship.

iAmTooYoung reviews
For Rose Red Misery's Fanfic Challenge. Sam makes a life changing discovery that lies within her self. How will she tell Freddie? What about Carly? How will her family react? Most importantly, is Sam ready to be a mother at fifteen?
iCarly - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 3 - Words: 10,145 - Reviews: 35 - Favs: 16 - Follows: 26 - Updated: 2/2/2009 - Published: 1/18/2009 - Sam P., Freddie B.