![]() Author has written 7 stories for Twilight, Digimon, Ouran High School Host Club, Harry Potter, and Seraph of the End/終わりのセラフ. ...and it was like slow motion, standing there in my party dress, -Taylor Swift oOo_ Hiya everyone! My name's Dauphine-Blossom Wildewood! And, quite frankly, I would classify myself as an amature writer at best! I am absoultely in love with Digimon, Kingdom Hearts, and Harry Potter!! AND! OURAN HIGH SCHOOL HOST CLUB!! :D And, I know this will sound very fan-girl, but I'm in love with these pairings!!:D TOTES: HikaruxKaoru Hitachiin FOREVER!! TaichixYamato (Taichi=butch, Yama=bitch! lol!) SoraxRoxas (Sora=Seme, Roxas=uke; ok, i know it sounds like incest but i love IT!!) SquallxCloud (Squall=Butch, Cloud=bitch! lol! That one's obvious!!) and... HarryxDraco forever :p!! MY STORIES (UPDATES!!): Forget Me Nots: A Twilight fanfic that i think takes place after New Moon? IDK i haven't read Eclipse or Breaking Dawn yet (scandalous, i know, right? Seeming how i'm such a Jasper fan!) Anyways...i will be reading them in the next few weeks and it's such a shame for i hear that a lot of Jasper's story is revealed in Eclipse!! lol Continuing on with the summary..lol BASICALLY Something is flaring up from jasper's past and nobody, not Edward nor Alice, can do anything about it! All they can do is watch as the empath screams in horrific pain!! Find out by reading!! there are (in the beginning) EdxBella, AlicexJasper, eventual JasperxOC and perhaps a yaoi? EdwardxJasper??lol we'll see!! Keep on reading! I don't know how long it will take to update chapters because i'm a senior in High School in the USA and it sucks b/c i'm applying for scholarships to college right now!! lol but i will try to do every week, if not, every other week! LOVE YOU GUYS!! The Day of the Dove: A Digimon fanfic with Taichi and Yamato!! Taito!! I can't wait to see how this one unfolds!! Read and review this one guys!! I started this one a long time ago and was too afraid to post it b/c i thought it wasn't good enough!! Again, LOVE YOU GUYS!! Prophetic Twins: I started this story a while back and I'm wondering where it will go...I have a few ideas in mind...I think I will play around with this one! Please read! It's a Digimon fanfic with Taichi and Yamato as twins but maybe something more? Possible TAITO incest i know don't read if you don't like that stuff :) L'Amour Prohibé: It means forbidden love in french! this is a fanfic of the ouran high school host clubs mischievous twins: Hikaru and Kaoru! i love them so so so so much! LOVE YOU ALL!! |