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Joined 01-02-09, id: 1790306, Profile Updated: 01-20-09
Author has written 1 story for Naruto.

Hi ... I'm Y.Kato or know as Crack-chan

I'm writing fanfictions since serveral years, but not in English. Usually I'm doing it in German, because it's my mother language. Because of it, it will happen often that my storys will be contained with grammatic mistakes or similar. I hope you will look past it and concentrate on the story itself.

Normaly I'm writing Action or ShonenAi storys. Het is something you will have to search somewhere else.

Right now I'm working on Vampire Knight and Naruto fanfictions.

For my writing style: I'm a slow writer. Mostly because I've always more than one project to work on. And because I hate short chapters, I can't update regularly. If I doing it, it means the story is either finshed or I've written ahead. But even with a chapter in spare, it take usually a month to update. Sorry. If you have any wishes, which story I should start first, please say it. Likewise when you don't care that you have to wait for chapters, but want them to read as fast as possible. Would mean, I would poste the fanfiction in the normal way and not wait until it's finihed.

Thank you


xXx xXx xXx

Fanfictions: (Posted Chapters/Written Chapters/All Chapters)

Whispers in the Dark (0/2/??)

Vampire Knight. Action. Is placed before Chapter 30 ... Zero needs blood, but this time he can't ask Yuuki to help him. Mostly Action and Angst. I'm thinking about ShonenAi, but I can't decide. The reason is it would be not only Zero x Kaname in the later story, but a little Zero x Ichiru, Yagari x Kaien and some Yagari x Zero too. Hell ... I'll see.

On grounds of ill health (0/1/13)

Vampire Knight. Angst. Placed after Chapter 30. It begins with a normal cold, but soon enough Zeros life is threatened and nobody has an idea why. If you squint, you will find some Yuuki x Zero, Ichiru x Zero and a trace of Kaname x Zero. But actually it's not planned that way.

Dramatis Personae (0/1/5)

Vampire Knight. Romanze. Zero x Aido; Aido plays his role for everyone, but Zero never liked performances. The story will play at the same time as the original storyline, but uses a few 'behind the scenes', because in the manga are some ... gaps, which are mentioned, but not further explained.

The Namikaze Series (1/1/4)

Naruto. Family. One Shots about Uzumaki Naruto, Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina. Not AU, placed in the story. Based on poems.

My Fathers Will reviews
The Namikaze Series, Part One ... But hell the same man, I admired for years in a very personal way, had trouble and inner discussions with in my head! I don't talk with the dead , is my father! Sounds like a bad movie.
Naruto - Rated: K+ - English - Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,576 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 4 - Follows: 2 - Published: 1/19/2009 - Minato N., Naruto U. - Complete