Author has written 15 stories for Code Geass, Kenko Zenrakei Suieibu Umisho/ケンコー全裸系水泳部 ウミショー, Pokémon, Bleach, Haruhi Suzumiya series, and Artemis Fowl. Ahahaha, so many people visit my profile. (I lied, the most in a day is only 3) I guess I will write something here. After all, I am a proud writer of some fanfic. (Mwahahah.) I am from some country near the Equator. My real name have 5 alphabets. Starts with an alphabet that belong to the first half of the alphabets. Ends with one from the end. People who read books by Eoin Colfer would probably notice some similiarities in my writing style. Of course, I am incomparable to that man I consider god. While his is well designed sentences, mine would be what one reviewer describe as 'fragmented, incomplete sentences'. The reason of my pen name was because there is this villian in one of Terry Brook's Shannara series. She was Shadea something. I kinda misremember and added a 'z'. Not that i read the Shannara series. People who read my stories would know i am pretty lazy. I don't like long stories. Or writing them. Books i read, and still remember: Artemis Fowl (Hmm, fairy tale...), Enid Blyton (Shut up. i dont read it anymore. Her award series started my love for reading.), Dan Brown-Da Vinci Code (Just thinking of all the researches one have to do to write that book makes me want to puke. Hope he loved what he is writing about, or had a few phantom writers' help.) Ah, i am so tired writing this profile, i give up putting capital letters. Hobbies: Games, anime, reading, writing until i am sick of doing so, laughing at god knows what. Girlfriends: none. Boyfriends: Secret. Gender: Lets play a game. One of my stories has this information. Hairstyle: 'fro! Or at least i wished. FanFiction-unleash your imagination (Indeed. The pandora box of imagination it unleashed. In my stories, at least.) If I am to write a memoir of myself, is it a fanfic for myself? Can I put it here? Maybe I can demand my name as a catagory. Then maybe Fanfic will ban me or something. "A pregnant woman suffers the pain of pulling a watermelon out of her nostrils, an artist suffers the pain of pulling the universe out of his asshole." Sakata Gintoki, Gintama |