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![]() Author has written 15 stories for Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, and Soul Eater. Hi everyone! I deleted what I had in my profile, except for the little journal updates if you'd call them that. It just felt weird having anything up when I don't use this anymore so yeah. I wont be continuing those stories, probably, maybe when I start reading KHR again but who knows. Either way I've been writing a little so will see. Also I've been reeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaally busy due to school and.. rping tbh, but I'll still continue to beta when I have time. Thank you so much to all the readers and everyone who'd left comments, I'm sorry I have to disappoint you but life just.. has taken a different turn for me ;_; 31.8.2009 Okay, I got bored few days ago and decided to list all of my stories I have written up on somewhere. And surprise, I actually have over sixty stories that I'm indenting on writing. About ten of which I'm not completely sure if I will write them or not. And about fifty of them are KHR. So I believe you can understand why I haven't updated in awhile. And wont be updating in a while. I am however going to publish at least two stories in a month or so (both which are one-shot), so I can concentrate on my larger stories. Problem is, over half of them are going to be multi-chaptered stories, which means I will be writing them for probably years. Where we come to the main point; I wont publish anything new until I have finished them completely. Just because I hate it when I cannot continue a story and update it for you, because of a damn writers block. But there seems to be good news too. I have started writing the 5th chapter to Broken Hearts and it is nearly finished. I believe I can get it in here in about two weeks. Depending on what my motivation decides to write. That's about all for now. Though I should probably inform you that I have become an official NaitoxTsuna fan :D And I am starting to support seme!Tsuna. And 6918 is trying to come back. 8.9.2009 Umm.. I need your help. Yes, YOUR help. I came up with this idea of KHR Chritmas calendar (need to say more?) and I thought about writing everyday of December something, little drabbles about Christmas with KHR characters. Well, I thought about how to do it and decided it would be better to start now. Because if I would be writing them the day they should be puplished... I would never get anything done. So, your job is to give me ideas for what to write. Meaning characters, pairings, scenes, objects etc. you want to see, and I will try to come up with something. It really would help if you could to this. 20.10.2009 Screw it. I think I will have to do that calendar thing next year. I don't think I would have time or energy to write anything right now. I have started writing one chapter but.. it's two pages long and only just started. Gah, I can't write short stories. And my other ones. I'm not sure if I should even talk about them. The chapter 5 of Broken Hearts is pretty much done. Except I need to write the beginning, goddamn, how hard can it be.. But on the side note, I have chapter 2 of Avanzare almost done. It's a long one. About others.. I'm not talking about them. BUT I am exited of HALLOWEEN! It's almost here! But.. I don't know what I'm going to do. Or we. We have been with friends every halloween and done.. stupid things but I don't know what are we doing now. Hopefully we can get a place to stay. Because we will be LOUD. Haha, yeah, I'm just rambling, had the need to write somewhere I have been feeling down lately.. not any of my stories are processin, and quitting school, and my sleep pattern is just all kinds of screwed. I'm trying. 22.10.2009 From now on my alter-ego.. uh, second person? No... The second person in my head. That's it. Her/His name is Luka Nokazuto. I can't bother to remember the lastname so Luka it is. I don't know what her/his motives are, nor do I know who/what she/he is. I don't even know what she/he looks like. If it is even human... Anyway... I'm not sure why I had the need to tell this. I don't know why am I writing about this. I think Luka will be making appearance in the future.. not sure. Okay, that name. I wont bother to tell you about it but if you want to know about it just ask. It's not even the whole name. I think my girlfriend will figure it out in.. well, soon propably. 16.4.2010 Has it been already half a year..? Oops. I'm coming back Really, I have finally started to write again. Maybe I will be able to get something actually done now. Or not. We can all dream on. Anyway, I-- wah. I don't know. Sorry. Okay. Yeah, will hopefully be seeing me more here.. 17.10.2010 HOLY SHIT, I SEE SUJU! They're conquering the world via FF too. Don't know what to say. Except that I will now tell you I have been influenced by them, HEAVILY. Hence, I haven't been writing KHR or my unfinished fics in... months. I think by now I can start saying in YEAR(S). Anyhow, I have been writing, however.. about Suju xD I'm so far gone it's not even funny. Personally thought, I don't like the fourth album. Why? Because Geng's not there :( An neither is Kibum, and Kangin is in army... So sad. But at least Geng has been making progress, Publishing his first own album and hold two concerts.. Among other things. Right, I wasn't supposed to start ranting here. Anygays, I will try to pick up all the KHR stories, one by one, and try to get something done goddammit D: 6.9.2011 LQL I'm pretty sure no one even cares anymore but just thought I should drop by to tell that I wont be continuing any of my unfinished stories.. at least not in the near future. kpop has pretty much taken over my life so.. yeah. I haven't actually written anything in so long it's hard to start again :/ I really want to write but I just can't. But I will be beta-reading at least. I guess this is kind of an goodbye. |