Author has written 11 stories for South Park. Hi, I'm Caz, I'm 28, and I support Newcastle United (stop laughing). What else are you supposed to put on these things? I found this site by accident, and it inspired me to start attempting to write again. All your lovely reviews, and the fact that people seem interested in my stories, have definitely given me more confidence than I used to have. I enjoy writing comedy, that's what I would like to do. I have written 6 stories (well, actually 5 and a bit, Life is unfinished and may remain that way), and I have other ideas bubbling around my overactive brain, so who knows? I LOVE South Park. I can't emphasise that enough! My favourite characters are Butters, Kyle and Cartman, and my favourite episode (so far) is Quest for Ratings. My favourite South Park moment is Kenny singing Bocelli in Quintuplets - it has me in stitches every time I see it! My favourite het pairings are Stendy, Kybe, Candy My favourite slash pairings are Kyman and some Style (a few Style fics are way too over the top). My favourite fics are currently My Brother's Keeper, by Sifl Senpai - very very funny, check it out if you can find it, and All Down Hill From Here, by Doomed Orange Parka - I can't wait to see what happens in that one! Another one that I'm enjoying is Internal Bleeding, by Mistress Cartman - she's a great writer, and the fic features Kyle Schwartz! Another of my favourites is Red Dwarf, and I want to write a fic for that (if it's on here), although I hope there's no Lister/Rimmer slash, because that's just wrong. If you are a gay fish, cut and paste this into your profile. BOOM BABY!! |