Jessalyn Sai
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Joined 09-10-08, id: 1689827, Profile Updated: 11-30-17
Author has written 3 stories for Total Drama series, Harry Potter, and Inuyasha.

Ok, so.. I figured I might as well fill this thing out since a few people have visited my profile and have seen... NOTHING. :-D I like to be a little mysterious.

Anyhow, I'm a chick in my mid twenties who's trying to rediscover her roots as a writer. I've written plenty of stuff, but nothing anyone has ever read besides me and maybe a few of my close friends. (And that stuff that was on my computer that crashed :( ... I've learned to back things up at least once since then...)

Pictured here is my kitty, Neeja.

Currently, I'm working on what I hope will be a successful novel. Fantasy/fiction genre.

My first story on this site was really just a test / a fun idea I had. I was curious to see what people thought of my writing. So far, I'm more than happy with the results. Better than I could have ever hoped for! I've had several people ask when / what I'm going to write next, and my answer is "Not sure." I'd certainly like to write another Total Drama Island fic since I had an absolute ball writing the first one, but it depends on what kind of inspiration strikes me next. Of course you're all welcome to send forth your ideas: those might inspire me too!

Okay, so my next fic didn't end up being TDI or TDA, but Harry Potter. Something that'd been rolling around in my head for quite some time and I finally just decided to sit down and write it. Hoping it gets the same positive respose that Ten Years Later did.

Lastly, I'd like to send some shout outs to some very important people:

Hi Mom!

and CRC3, (My fiance as of 12-3-08) love of my life, and one of my biggest fans!

Dec 2014: How time flies! Almost 6 years since I've written Ten Years Later and I'm still getting reviews :) Anyway, sorry for not posting a darn thing in so long. Been working on my first novel and now I have a young son who keeps me plenty busy. Sorry to say I don't really recall where my Harry Potter fic was going, so it'll probably be left unfinished. However, I decided to write a little Inuyasha fic, as I've been hooked on that lately. Not to mention I needed a little change after working on the same thing for years! Hoping to get a few more chapters done and published soon. I want to say a quick thank you to those of you who've reviewed and added me. To know I have even one fan makes me feel like this struggle is worth it. I'll never forget that this site is what really helped get my feet wet!

Dec 2016: Wow, another two years and I'm still getting reviews on Ten Years Later. I am so glad you guys enjoyed it. I am still working on my first novel. Adulting is hectic, so finding time to write is difficult, though I plan to press on and get it done eventually. Believe me when I say that it's my reviewers on here that are partially responsible for me pressing on. Ten Years Later was the first complete thing I've written, and the response was better than I could have hoped for. My biggest wish is that my larger scale project is just as well received. Maybe I'll have my book done in the next two years and can follow this up in 2018 with my own 'Ten Years Later...' update!

Nov 2017: Hi guys. I'm still plotting along (yes, pun intended) with my own large scale fiction work, but in the meantime, I've renewed my obsession with Inuyasha and got a new fic finished. It's short and sweet, but something to give me a break from my own fantasy world for a while. Then I can go look at it again with fresh eyes! Hope you enjoy it! Thank you to my faithful readers who've been waiting forever for me to write something else ;)

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

The Destiny Tree reviews
Kagome wanders off alone and finds herself facing the Destiny Tree: a village legend that immortalizes the bond between two people who share their first kiss beneath its boughs. A shard of the Shikon jewel has corrupted the spirit of the tree, and it befalls either Inuyasha or Koga to save Kagome from the evil spirit! (Rated T for some language and violence)
Inuyasha - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,172 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 10 - Follows: 6 - Published: 11/30/2017 - Complete
The New Girl at Hogwarts: Lucius Malfoy's Secret reviews
Though Lucius is locked away in Azkaban, his legacy is running rampant through Hogwarts. What was he hiding? His secret lies with a young girl named Ariana. HPxOC, rated T for later chapters.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Tragedy - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,563 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 3 - Follows: 2 - Published: 7/27/2009 - Harry P.
Ten Years Later reviews
A ten year reunion show! Will Duncan and Courtney be able to get past all the lies and misunderstandings, or have things changed too much? Rated T for now. Later chapters will have a bit of fighting and language. DxC. Minor GxB, GxT, LxH, DxH
Total Drama series - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 17 - Words: 34,153 - Reviews: 73 - Favs: 59 - Follows: 26 - Updated: 10/14/2008 - Published: 9/12/2008 - Courtney, Duncan, Chris M., Chef Hatchet - Complete
LadyCash (27)