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![]() Author has written 7 stories for Mai HiME, Frozen, and Final Fantasy XIII. For a long time I only read the stories of other authors. But now I'm writing my own. Yeah...big surprise. ;) It's really cool to write one and get reviews!! Feels nice :) Now a little bit about me: I'm 33 years old and female! My hobbies: watching Animes (of course) :) , reading Mangas and .. .. .. going to the cinema, meeting friends and so on!! Favorite colour: black Favorite animal: dog (because I love them and I've got four cute little doggies :) ) Favorite food: spaghetti (but without mayo...yeah I know...Natsuki would shout at me :) ) Favorite Anime: Mai Hime (you should have realised it by now because of my avatar ) . . . but i like Strawberry Panic too (because Nagisa is sooooo cute) Favorite Movie: Frozen and Maleficent Favorite month: December...easy because there is my birthday -smile- Ok...that's it... UPDATE: 2019-07-16 Hello dear Readers Maybe some of you are still following my stories. Don't worry, I intend to upload a new chapter for one of my stories soon. Just didn't get the time and the inspiration to do so. Thanks for all your reviews and your support through all the years. See you soon! BETA READER: 2015-05-19 I also started my carrer as a beta-Reader. :) Feel free to send me a german story to beta-read. HOMEPAGE: If you have time, please also visit my homepage: www. dreamfall-fanfiction. jimdo. com I had to put gaps between the words of my Homepage adress, otherwise it wouldn't have showed up correctly on . Please delete the gaps when you want to open my Homepage. Sorry for the inconvenience. Story status last updated: 2017-01-09 Watch over me: Summary: Shizuru is a well-known doctor and she found a formula with which you can give a human supernatural strength and a monster as a guardian. Of course an evil organisation tries to steal it. Therefore her boss paid a bodyguard to protect Shizuru. And guess who this might be !! I give you a little hint. The first letter of the name is N! ;) Epilogue: Definitely(but I don't know when) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Healing: Summary: Natsuki Kuga is a respected doctor at a hospital in Fuuka. One day her superior told her that they would get one new apprentice and she should train her so that she could become such a great doctor as herself. That of course made Natsuki very nervous because she has a secret no one knows about. What if this apprentice gets too curious. Find out! FINISHED! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Please mend my heart: Summary: Shizuru and Natsuki are living together for 2 years now. Their relationship is still unstable. Natsuki is not quite sure, if she loves Shizuru like Shizuru wants her to. Then one day as Natsuki just wanted to tell Shizuru her decision, something unexpected happens. Will they be able to save their relationship? Or will they fall apart . . .forever? Chapter 2: Status 0 / 100 (on hold) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Gargoyle Hime: Summary: Natsuki is a gargoyle. Or lets better say she’s half gargoyle and half human. Many years ago she was cursed and the mage, who did this knew, that Natsuki hated nothing more than humans. So he spoke a spell, that she would turn every morning into a human. One side effect of this spell was, that she turned immortal. She had to live like this for the rest of her life, until one of the mage relatives broke the spell. But up until now she didn’t find one. And I’m sure you know who will be the mysterious relative ;) Chapter 13: Status 0 / 100 (on hold) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Love is the Greatest Power on Earth: Summary: Elsa is the new English teacher at Arendelle SFGP (School for Gifted People) and Anna is one of her students. Anna is not very popular among her classmates and gets bullied at every given opportunity. She doesn’t possess any special powers and everyone wonders why she is there in the first place. Chapter 17: Status 100 / 100 (randomly) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The truth beneath the rose: Summary: Lightning is the CEO of a huge and influential weapon company (swords and guns). She is very seclusive, strict, and not easy to talk to, but fair to her employees nonetheless. There is a reason for her behavior though; she has a secret, a big one. A guardian named Odin. She can summon the god of thunder at will. Only one child in every century bears this power. A gift and a curse at times. Only her sister Serah knows about her secret. Little does she know, that a certain brunette will soon discover more than just her magical powers. Will Lightning let her in? (FLight) Chapter 8: Status 5 / 100 (randomly) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Future Project: A fanfic about the anime 12 kingdoms. Natsuki will be the Kirin and Shizuru the future empress of Kei :) If you don't know the anime, just use these links: /index.php?page=anime&id=1558 (german) /encyclopedia/anime.php?id=840 (english) |