Author has written 28 stories for Scarface, Bully, Wrestling, Grand Theft Auto, Legend of Zelda, From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series, Red Dead Redemption, State of Decay, Mortal Kombat, Sims, and Max Payne. Currently writing video game Fanfiction, mostly GTA, Red Dead Redemption, and State Of Decay, been on hiatus on some of my stories but will update them soon, currently working on a GTA Fanfic entitled "Grand Theft Auto: Stories From Los Santos" I'm 25, I am a writer, I write anything from spanking fics (very graphic and twisted spanking fics...those are the best ones) All the way to violence, and crime. I will write anything anyone requests and do my best to please my followers and favorites in this writing community. I said earlier I write spanking fics, I will slowly ease my way up to full stories before too long, I will write about a show, or movie, any kind of subject that i got great knowledge on. I am very contriversial in my stories, I got a few particularly sick ones. I am in the process of writing right now. I will read and write anything that you ask me to, but for me I am writing the stuff everyone wants to read, I am the Fanwriter...What's your story? GTA 5 OC(s) Mae Clinton: The daughter of Franklin Clinton and Tracy De Santa. She's a vulnerable girl with alot of demons, she is a millionaire and owner of a strip club, that she dances at out of enjoyment, she is married and has a son. Mark Phillips: He is the nephew of Trevor Phillips, he is a gentleman to the ladies, but striaght crazy on anyone that crosses him. He has a psychic ability that was gained from a wreck on his motorcycle. He is married to Mae and has one son. Missy Phillips: Mark's twin sister, she is a cold blooded killer, and a straight up freak, she is dating Snipe and Mae Snipe: Missy's boyfriend, Mark's friend, and ranking member of The Lost, he is a war veteran who is battle hardened and useful. Stephanie Ross: Niece of Amanda De Santa, she is a sharpshooter from Ludendorff, she likes smoking weed, driving fast cars, and boys, she is a tough talking sexy walking, take no crap country girl who grew up in an abusive household with a drunk abusive father, she is currently dating Franklin Clinton. State Of Decay OC's Amy Young: Snart, sexy, vulnerable member of Marcus Campbell's enclave, Amy brings an innocence to the group that mkeeps them from turning into animals. Matt Miller: Amy's late boyfriend, he and his siter Maddy were friends with Amy, Ian, Derek, and Dan. Matt and Maddy met their demise in Marshall. Maddy Miller: Amy's best friend and Matt's younger sister, Maddy was a girly girl attending college at Danforth. She and her friends were on Fall Break when the zombie outbreak started, she and Derek were sex buddies but not dating, she is deceased |